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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Dining with Diabetes

    Dining with Diabetes Dining with Diabetes is a series of four classes conducted by Ohio State University Extension Family and Consumer Sciences and community health partners. The program includes: Live cooking demonstrations Menu planning Diabetes managem ...

  2. Who should get the HPV vaccine?

    All children from ages 11 to 12, teens, and young adults through age 26 should get the HPV vaccine. Early protection works best. That’s why the HPV (human papilloma virus) vaccine is recommended earlier rather than later. It protects your child long befor ...

  3. Aging

    The OSU Extension Aging team provides educational programs to help older adults age well and live independently. Some of the programs offered by team members include: Aging Smart Alzheimer's Association Educational Programs Bingocize * Healthy Aging ...

  4. Training Calendar

        Training Schedule ...

  5. Pediatrics

    Pediatrics Federal Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program Parent information Vaccines by age FAQs Vaccines for Children (VFC) Ohio Program Vaccines for Children (VFC) Free Vaccines Handout Specific Vaccine Dosing Intervals Guide to Vaccine Contraindications ...

  6. Rural Health and Vaccines

    Rural Health and Vaccines Why Are Vaccines Important to Your Health   [PDF] General Information Accessing Health Care in Rural America [PDF] Ohio Rural Health Association Diabetes Management and Rural Health ...

  7. Vaccines and Diabetes

    Diabetes Need-Based Vaccines for People with Diabetes  [PDF] Flu and Pneumonia Shot Vaccinations What Vaccines Do People with Diabetes Need? ...

  8. Melissa Eperjesi

    Melissa Eperjesi Celebrate Your Plate Program Manager Celebrate Your Plate | Ohio SNAP-Ed 614-688-2523 004 Agricultural Administration Building MPH- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working pap ...

  9. Are vaccines safe?

    Yes, vaccines are safe. They are held to high standards and are rigorously tested before they reach you. Every vaccine goes through rigorous and lengthy safety testing. This includes testing the vaccine through clinical trials. The FDA then analyzes the d ...

  10. Can a flu vaccine give me the flu?

    No, a flu vaccine cannot cause the flu. The viruses in a flu shot are killed (inactivated) and can’t cause the flu illness. While a flu vaccine can't give you the flu illness, there are potential side effects from getting a flu vaccine. These side ef ...
