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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. County Skillathon

    Prior to Quality Assurance session ...

  2. County Skillathon

    Prior to Quality Assurance session ...

  3. Preparing for College

    Presenter: Dr. Brian Raison, Miami County Director, Assistant Professor & Community Development Educator ...

  4. Quality Assurance Session

    We will be offering Quality Assurance to certain clubs on certain dates to try to minimize overcrowding at any one session. If you cannot attend on your club’s scheduled date, then please feel free to attend any of the other regular sessions. However, you ...

  5. Quality Assurance Session

    We will be offering Quality Assurance to certain clubs on certain dates to try to minimize overcrowding at any one session. If you cannot attend on your club’s scheduled date, then please feel free to attend any of the other regular sessions. However, you ...

  6. Quality Assurance Session

    We will be offering Quality Assurance to certain clubs on certain dates to try to minimize overcrowding at any one session. If you cannot attend on your club’s scheduled date, then please feel free to attend any of the other regular sessions. However, you ...

  7. Preparing for Project Pride Day


  8. Quality Assurance Session

    We will be offering Quality Assurance to certain clubs on certain dates to try to minimize overcrowding at any one session. If you cannot attend on your club’s scheduled date, then please feel free to attend any of the other regular sessions. However, you ...

  9. Quality Assurance Session

    We will be offering Quality Assurance to certain clubs on certain dates to try to minimize overcrowding at any one session. If you cannot attend on your club’s scheduled date, then please feel free to attend any of the other regular sessions. However, you ...

  10. Coffee with the Master Gardeners: Roses

    Join us for coffee and a discussion on rose care and maintenance with local floriculturist Bob Iiames. Cost is $10. Pre-registration is required by April 29, 2016. Call or stop by the Extension office at the Courthouse, 201 W Main Street, Troy, Ohio.    M ...
