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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Randall (Randy) C. Rowe

    Randall (Randy) C. Rowe Professor Emeritus Randy Rowe joined the OARDC Wooster campus in 1974, where his work focused on research and extension in management of vegetable crop diseases, soil-borne fungal diseases and disease management practices, particul ...

  2. David M. Bisaro

    David M. Bisaro Courtesy Professor, Department of Molecular Genetics (614) 292-3281 201 Rightmire Hall, Columbus- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data ...

  3. PHARM Winter Clothing Drive

    PHARM, the Plant Pathology undergrad student club, is collecting gently used clothing for donations to a local service agency.  Collection boxes are in the department office in Kottman Hall 201, and in Parker Food Science and Howlett Hall.  There's a ...

  4. Margaret (Peg) G. Redinbaugh

    Margaret (Peg) G. Redinbaugh Selected Publications Lin, Junyan; Ali, Ahmed Khamis; Chen, Ping; Ghabrial, Said; Finer, John; Dorrance, Anne; Redinbaugh, Margaret and Qu, Feng. 2013. A stem-loop structure in the 5’ untranslated region of Bean pod mottle vir ...

  5. Innovation to Impact: The AgBiosciences

     OSU website features article and video on agbiosciences > Read more ...

  6. Landon H. Rhodes

    Landon H. Rhodes Associate Professor Emeritus May 28, 2009- Lanny Rhodes was honored as Outstanding Faculty, as voted by the students of Horticulture & Crop Science and Plant Pathology. Right: Nick Weidenbenner (left) presented a plaque to Rhodes at t ...

  7. Leonard J Herr

    Leonard J Herr Professor Emeritus Dr. Leonard Herr's research interested centered on soil-born plant microbiology, biological control of soil-borne plant pathogens, and integrated disease control, with a focus on sugar beet, tobacco and lettuce.  He ...

  8. Patrick (Pat) Lipps

    Patrick (Pat) Lipps Professor Emeritus Patrick Lipps led reknowned programs in diseases of wheat and corn; disease resistance; epidemiology; and integrated crop management at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center in Wooster.   He was the E ...

  9. Richard (Mack) Riedel

    Richard (Mack) Riedel Professor Emeritus Dr. Richard (Mack) Riedel's area of expertise is plant nematology.  His early work resulted in several first reports of plant parasitic nematodes for a variety of crops in Ohio.   He devoted several years to p ...

  10. Chunxue Cao

    Chunxue Cao MS Graduate Research Area Besides genetic impact, environment and G x E interaction impact on tomato fruit shape morphology is rarely investigated.  My study focused on the G x E interaction impact on tomato fruit morphology.  ...
