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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. About Us

    Welcome! OSU South Centers provides objective scientific research and powerful educational programs through the collaboration of OARDC, OSU Extension and several local, state and national partners. While some programs focus on serving individual counties ...

  2. New Advisor / Volunteer Applications Due

    Since this year's deadline falls on a weekend- New Advisor / Volunteer Applications will be accepted through 4:30 pm on the next business day (April 2nd). New Advisor / Volunteer Application Packet ...

  3. 4-H Enrollment Deadline and Activity Fees Due

    Since this year's deadline falls on a weekend- enrollments and activity fees will be accepted through 4:30 pm on the next following business day (April 2nd). 4-H Activity Fee Payment Form (PDF) ...

  4. 4-H Activity Fee Scholarship Applications Due to Extension Office by 4:30 pm

    2018 Wayne County 4-H Activity Fee Scholarship Form (PDF) ...

  5. 4-H Club / Committee Annual Financial Reports Due to the Extension Office by 4:30 pm

    Download the Annual Club Financial Summary Form ...

  6. Dealing With Stress

    Have you ever had “just one of those days?”   The kind of day that makes you want to sit in your favorite chair at the end of the day curled up with a good book and forget the rest of the world and the obligations that await?  We live in a busy world.  Ou ...

  7. Cover Crop Termination

    Once we get past this recent stretch of rainy weather and fields dry out, it will be full bore into the planting season.  Cover crop termination will be needed on some fields.  Factors that influence the effectiveness of herbicides as a termination option ...

  8. Planning for Summer Child Care

    April showers bring May flowers, right?  We should have a glorious flower garden to enjoy based on this week’s accumulation of precipitation.  As the remaining weeks of the school year quickly slip by, what are your plans for the summer?  Do you have chil ...

  9. Contest to Engage the Public About Farming

    Farmers are extremely proud of the work they do to bring food, fuel and fiber to market.  But while productivity, science and technology have seen great strides in recent decades, our ability to communicate about farming to the general public has not made ...

  10. A Minute for Mindfulness

    Have you ever arrived at your destination, only to realize you didn’t “see” anything along the way?  Or sat down to watch TV with a snack and eaten the whole thing?  Or maybe engaged in a conversation only to realize that you didn’t “hear” a word that was ...
