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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Skillathon Committee


  2. Wheat Field Day

    Get the latest information from OSU’s wheat team! How low can you go? Wheat freeze tolerance Minimum wheat stand to maximize profits Wheat fertility Wheat pathology Ohio Wheat Performance Test Then, please join us for lunch at the Jackson Township Hall.   ...

  3. Pickaway County 4-H Horse Clinic

    Do you want to be better prepared for fair? Are you ready to participate in Halter, Pleasure, English, Jumping, and Trail classes? Would you like the chance for your horse to get time in the arena prior to fair? Join us on Sunday, May 22 from 2:00 pm to 5 ...

  4. 4-H News and Notes: April 15, 2016

    April Link newsletter now available online, last chance to register for Dairy Palooza Bus Trip, Volunteers Needed to Help with Poultry and Rabbit Clinics, and several other reminders and announcements about upcoming 4-H camps and programs are included in ...

  5. Ohio 4-H Special Needs Camp

    Please download the camp brochure and registration packet for more information ...

  6. Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist Program- Coyotes

    Join OSU Extension’s Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalists to learn about these amazing animals. Dr. Stan Gehrt, OSU Extension Wildlife Specialist and coyote expert will join us for an evening program. Dr. Gehrt will share details about coyotes, community- ...

  7. DairyPalooza 2016

    7:00 AM- Depart Wayne County Fair Grounds, 199 Vanover Street,Wooster, Ohio 44691 (Vanover St. Entrance) traveling to Trumbull County Fairgrounds, 899 Everett Hull Rd, Cortland, OH 44410.  9:00 AM to 4:00- Dairy Palooza  4:15 PM- Depart Trumbull County Fa ...

  8. 4-H News and Notes: March 29, 2016

    Listed below are several 4-H updates and reminders.  Please click the headlines for more details. ...


    4-H CARTEENS is a traffic safety program conducted by 4-H teen leaders and their program partners for juvenile traffic offenders. 4-H CARTEENS goals include: reducing the number of repeat juvenile traffic offenders decreasing the number of teen traffic of ...

  10. 4-H / FFA Dairy Clinic

