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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Montgomery Co- Successful Co-Parenting


  2. OSU-Branded Balance My Day Worksheets

    Balance My Day Worksheets K-2, 3-5, 6-8 Balance My Day Worksheets K-2 Worksheet K-2- 1 of 3 [PDF] Worksheet K-2- 2 of 3 [PDF] Worksheet K-2- 3 of 3 [PDF] Balance My Day Worksheets 3-5 Worksheet 3-5- 1 of 3 [PDF] Worksheet 3-5- 2 of 3 [PDF] Worksheet 3-5- ...

  3. Hancock County- Basic Freezing of Fruits and Vegetables


  4. Hancock County- Water Bath & Pressure Canning


  5. SNAP-Ed

    Welcome to the SNAP-Ed Website for FCS Professionals! On these pages, you’ll find everything you need to implement SNAP-Ed in your county.  Use the menu on the left to access the web pages containing templates, forms, tools, curricula, and other important ...

  6. June 2016 4-H Newsletter

    Read the latest 4-H updates in the June 2016 newsletter! ...

  7. Healthy Meetings

    Planning Healthy Meals for Meetings Healthy Eating at Meetings OSU Extension Healthy Eating at Meetings Guidelines OSU Extension Healthy Eating at Meetings Materials Meeting Well- A Tool for Planning Healthy Meetings and Events ...

  8. Brood V Cicada Emergence 2016

    Periodical and "Dog-Day" Cicadas Fact Sheet   ...

  9. Canner Testing Events

    Dial gauges on pressure canners should be tested yearly for accuracy. Gauge style pressure canners can be tested free of charge on the following dates: Wednesday, June 15, 9am to 1pm Mt Hope Hardware Thursday, June 16, 9am to 1pm Lehman's Hardware, K ...

  10. Bruce McPheron Accepts Provost Appointment

    After a national search, Ohio State University President Michael V. Drake has named Bruce A. McPheron executive vice president and provost, effective immediately. McPheron previously served as interim provost and, for three years, vice president for agric ...
