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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Hancock County Beef Banquet


  2. 2016 4-H Week Member Kickoff

    Ohio 4-H Week is March 6-12 and this is Hancock County's Open House Kickoff event! Hancock County 4-H Advisory Council is hosting this free family event which will include fun, food, and friends. This open house will showcase various 4-H project area ...

  3. Hancock County Lamb Banquet

    Doors open at 6 pm and lamb buffet dinner is at 6:30 pm Hosted by Hancock County Sheep Improvement Association Proceeds used for Hancock County Sheep programs and scholarships Tickets are $50 per family; $15 adult; or $7 child (12 and under); available fr ...

  4. Youth Protection Training

    This Youth Protection Training is being held as a 'brown bag' session prior to the monthly meeting of the Master Gardener Volunteers of Hancock County.  This training is suitable for any volunteers involved with programs of Ohio State University ...

  5. Pesticide Application Recertification NO Technology Session. No PowerPoint, NO Videos, etc.

    Categories Offered: Core, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 *Please call the Wayne County Extension Office to pre-register There is a $35.00 fee paid at the training site you attend. You must also send the $30.00 fee to the Ohio Department of Agriculture. This covers your ...

  6. Fertilizer Application Certification Training

    **Fertilizer Application Certification is a new 2 hour training for current holders of a Pesticide Applicator License. Not everyone will need this training. If attending, packing your own lunch is recommended due to time constraints. *Please call the Wayn ...

  7. 4-H Days at Cedar Point

    Link to an informational flyer ...

  8. 4-H Horse Project Orientation

    Hancock County 4-H members with horse projects should plan to attend this informative session. Members who are new to the 4-H horse program will be able to complete safety and ethics training. Any changes to Hancock Jr Fair horse events or Ohio State Fair ...

  9. Pesticide Application Recertification

    Categories Offered: Core, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 *Please call the Wayne County Extension Office to pre-register There is a $35.00 fee paid at the training site you attend. You must also send the $30.00 fee to the Ohio Department of Agriculture. This covers your ...

  10. Pesticide Application Recertification

    Categories Offered: Core, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 *Please call the Holmes County Extension Office to pre-register There is a $35.00 fee paid at the training site you attend. You must also send the $30.00 fee to the Ohio Department of Agriculture. This covers you ...
