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Come to the Butler County Farm Day for Family Fun!
The Butler County Farm Day is scheduled for May 2, 2015. This is an opportunity for Butler County residents to see how a farm operates! This event will run from 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., and will be held at the Double J Farm, 3070 Wehr Rd., Hamilton, OH. ...
Economy and Employment
Economy and Employment Ohio's urban and metro communities suffer from high unemployment and underemployment as well as having an inadequate number of businesses needed for positively impacting many community economies. These communities represent app ...
Botulism: What is it?
Botulism is the name of a rare but serious foodbourne disease we get by consuming the toxin of bacteria Clostridium botulinium ...
Listeria: What is it?
Listeria monocytogenes is a bacterium found frequently in the environment. This bacterium can cause the serious foodborne illness “listeriosis.” ...
Volume 12 Issue 5
The Benefits of 4-H Summer Camp
Our kids are all back in school from spring break now and farmers are getting ready to plant their 2015 crops. The major league baseball season is here and that means our kids will soon be out of school for the summer. Some parents might have made plans ...
Tag-In/Weigh-Ins for Mkt Lambs, Mkt Goats & Dairy Feeders
10 Myths about Bedbugs that are Just Crawling with Foolishness
COLUMBUS, Ohio - Bedbug infestations are on the rise across the United States, and Ohio continues to be one of the states most affected by these detestable insects. But bedbugs are not the only thing that’s becoming abundant: myths and misconceptions ab ...
Container gardening using Strawberry Jars
Of all of the plant containers in my collection, one of my favorites is the strawberry jar. This unique pot is perfect for growing a lot of plants in a small area. The pot's many cupped openings can accommodate a lot of strawberry plants as they cas ...