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2016 4-H Volunteer Application Information
If you are interested in applying to become a 4-H Volunteer in Darke County in 2016, please download all of the following files and read the information carefully. Complete the Volunteer Application in its entirety (incomplete applications will not be ac ...
Waffle House Spirit Night
Come out to the Troy Waffle House on Tuesday, October 6, from 2:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. to support 4-H! Mention that you are there for 4-H Spirit Night and 20% of the proceeds will benefit the Miami County 4-H Program. Please share the flyer posted below wi ...
National 4-H Week
Columbus Day
The Courthouse will be closed on Columbus Day, but you can reach the Extension Office by calling 937-440-3945. ...
Tax Blanket Exemption Forms for 4-H Clubs
Earlier this year, Organizational Advisors were mailed a Tax Blanket Exemption Form to complete and return to the Extension Office. If you have not already returned your form, please do so as soon as possible. Submitting this form is a state mandate and w ...
4-H Volunteer Banquet
What an amazing year we have had! I know with the fair just behind us many of you are trying to catch up! We would like to say “thank you” for all of the hard work that you have put into our organization and our 4-H’ers! Volunteers are the backbone of 4 ...
Darke County 4-H Committee
Successful Co-Parenting
Successful Parenting is a program mandated by the Court of Common Pleas for people getting a divorce, dissolution, legal separation, or change of custody, with minor children. Pre-registration and pre-payment by cash, check or money order are required. ...
CARTEENS is offered for first time teen offenders with a moving vehicle citation. One parent or guardian is also required to attend. There is a $30.00 fee paid by cash or check. ...
Labor Day- Office Closed