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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Montgomery County- Successful Co-Parenting


  2. Montgomery County- Successful Co-Parenting


  3. Montgomery County- Successful Co-Parenting


  4. Montgomery Co- Successful Co-Parenting


  5. Celebrating Local Foods

    Ohio Local Foods Week is August 7-13 and this program is part of that celebration here in Hancock County. Peg Meents, Family and Consumer Sciences Program Coordinator for OSU Extension Hancock will be cooking with local foods- highlighting recipes using f ...

  6. OSU-Branded Balance My Day Worksheets

    Balance My Day Worksheets K-2, 3-5, 6-8 Balance My Day Worksheets K-2 Worksheet K-2- 1 of 3 [PDF] Worksheet K-2- 2 of 3 [PDF] Worksheet K-2- 3 of 3 [PDF] Balance My Day Worksheets 3-5 Worksheet 3-5- 1 of 3 [PDF] Worksheet 3-5- 2 of 3 [PDF] Worksheet 3-5- ...

  7. CANCELLED- Small Steps to Health & Wealth

    This program has been cancelled due to low registration numbers.  We plan to try again in fall 2016- call our office or email Jenny to receive information about future offerings of this program. Registrations were due by July 1!  This is a curriculum that ...

  8. Hancock County- Basic Freezing of Fruits and Vegetables


  9. Hancock County- Water Bath & Pressure Canning


  10. SNAP-Ed

    Welcome to the SNAP-Ed Website for FCS Professionals! On these pages, you’ll find everything you need to implement SNAP-Ed in your county.  Use the menu on the left to access the web pages containing templates, forms, tools, curricula, and other important ...
