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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Home Buyer Education Virtual Workshop

    If your credit score is 640 or greater and one of the following apply to you, we recommend registering for Home Buyer Education. If you don't meet the recommended criteria for Home Buyer Education, we recommend registering for  Money Management.  Rea ...

  2. CARTEENS: Registration Closed. Class is at capacity.

    Check in from 6PM- 6:29PM. Class starts promptly at 6:30PM. Those not checked in and seated before 6:30PM will be counted as absent and will not receive any court attendance credit. The youth and parent/guardian must be present to check-in.  Participants ...

  3. 4-H Enrollment is Open!

    It's time to enroll in 4-H. CLICK HERE for instructions and the link to enroll. Returning families, please do not create a new profile. Call our office at 419-879-9108 if you have issues. Deadline for enrollment is April 15th. New to 4-H? Our office ...

  4. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Japanese Stiltgrass


  5. Allen Co. Ag Outlook/Agronomy Day


  6. Backyard Poultry Online Certificate Course

    As we are entering 2025, we are approaching not only chick season, but we are getting our first positive detections of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza.  Tim McDermott, Agriculture and Natural Resources educator/Assistant Professor, created a Backyard Po ...

  7. Wendy Otundo

    Wendy Otundo MS Student 230J Parker Food Science and Technology Building 2015 Fyffe Road- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data ...

  8. Lea Wright

    Lea Wright MS Student 110 Parker Food Science and Technology Building 2015 Fyffe Road- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data ...

  9. CARTEENS Class

    Check in from 6PM- 6:29PM. Class starts promptly at 6:30PM. Those not checked in and seated before 6:30PM will be counted as absent and will not receive any court attendance credit. The youth and parent/guardian must be present to check-in.  Participants ...

  10. 27 ACEL Buckeyes awarded American Degree

    Congratulations to the 27 students studying agricultural communication, agriscience education or community leadership who receive their American Degree today during the National FFA Convention this past week in Indianapolis, Indiana.  These students are: ...
