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Chow Line: Eating 'on automatic' hard to overcome (for 5/3/09)
April 24, 2009 I know all about healthful eating and cutting calories to lose weight. But I just can't seem to sustain that kind of effort for long. What's wrong with me? You are so not alone. And experts are beginning to understand why. In a fa ...
Chow Line: Eat right to lower blood cholesterol (for 9/19/10)
September 10, 2010 At my last check-up, my blood cholesterol level was higher than usual. What foods could I eat to lower my LDLs and increase my HDLs? The first thing to do is to examine your diet overall and make sure you're not consuming too much ...
Chow Line: Eat healthfully to fight the flu bug (for 10/4/09)
September 25, 2009 Is there anything we can do nutritionally that would help me and my family stay healthy during the flu season? Sure. Dietitians encourage a few basic practices that could boost your immune system and help your body fight the flu bug. Th ...
Chow Line: Dry garden veggies for longtime bounty (for 8/26/07)
August 17, 2007 I want to dehydrate some of the vegetables from my garden this year. What guidelines do you recommend? Drying vegetables from the garden is an easy way to preserve food, and you can dry just about anything you grow. Unlike canning, which r ...
Chow Line: Don't grow Santa's belly during the holidays (for 12/17/06)
December 8, 2006 I really do not want to gain weight over the holidays this year. Any good tips? These tips are good year-round, but especially at this time of year. A study in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2000 showed that about half the average ...
Chow Line: Drinking water may help shed pounds (for 12/21/08)
December 5, 2008 A friend lost about 30 pounds by (she says) just drinking a lot of water. Can you really lose weight that way? Not quite. You lose weight by consuming fewer calories than you expend. But several studies indicate that drinking water just m ...
Chow Line: Detailed food safety information online (for 9/27/09)
September 18, 2009 My daughter recently learned she is pregnant, and I know food safety is an important issue during pregnancy. Where can we find good resources to make sure she doesn't eat anything that inadvertently would put her or her baby at ris ...
Chow Line: Know your numbers when taking calcium (for 12/20/09)
December 10, 2009 How can I be sure I'm getting enough calcium? If I need a supplement, what should I look for? The amount of calcium you should get each day changes with age. Here's the breakdown: Age 1-3: 500 milligrams. Age 4-8: 800 milligram ...
Chow Line: DASH diet no fad, just healthful eating (for 9/16/07)
September 7, 2007 A friend of mine is losing weight on something called the DASH diet. Is it a fad? Actually, the DASH diet is a well-researched healthy eating plan. But its focus isn't on weight loss-- it's on reducing high blood pressure. DASH ...
Chow Line: Just how much vitamin D is enough? (for 3/1/09)
February 20, 2009 Has the recommended amount of vitamin D for adults been increased recently? The current guidelines for vitamin D were refined in 1997 in the Institute of Medicine's "Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, ...