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Junior Fair Board
Basic Robot Skills
FCS Sewing Workshop- CANCELLED will be rescheduled
FCS Sewing Workshop- Sewing Placemats & Hot Pads- at the Ashland County Extension Office from 1- 4 pm on Saturday, February 21. Cost is $5.00 each- pay at check-in. Space may be limited. Please pre-register by 4 pm, Thursday, February 19 by calling 41 ...
ESV: Vamos Mas Alla
ESTAR EN BUENA CONDICION FISICA ES DIVERTIDO Ayude a los niños para que jueguen un partido de voleibol con un globo grande(Tenga muchos globos a la mano por si acaso!) y una cinta adhesiva "roja" en el piso. Aliente a los niños para que inviten ...
EERA Volunteer Conference
Livestock Sale Committee
4-H Goat Committee Meeting
Baby Beef Bowling
4-H Achievement Awards Due to Extension Office
4-H Volunteer Conference
The 2013 4-H Volunteer Conference and Bob Evans Farms Recognition Luncheon will take place at the Greater Columbus Convention Center on Saturday, March 9, 2013. This event is designed to bring together 4-H Volunteers from across the State of Ohio. The obj ...