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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. 50th Anniversary July 1, Full Program

    July 1, 50th Anniversary of the Department of Plant Pathology.  Speakers Larry Madden, Randy Rowe, Rachel Capouya, Karasi Mills, Terry Niblack, Ira Deep, and special closing by Ramona Powell and Jeanne Kiser.  Video by Production Partners Media, Scott Spe ...

  2. 50th Anniversary Event, Video Highlights

    July 1 reunion event > View video ...

  3. Sarah D. (Ellis) Williams

    Sarah D. (Ellis) Williams Course instructor, Plant Pathology Agricultural Administration 100 MS Plant Pathology, The Ohio State University BS Agriculture, Landscape Horticulture major, Plant Pathology minor Hometown Wilmington, Ohio ...

  4. Stories from Students

    Elizabeth Roche, Plant Pathology graduate I was a USDA Wallace Carver Intern working at the Foreign Disease - Weed Science Research Unit in Fort Detrick, Maryland.   I worked specifically with the use of foreign pathogens for biological control of weeds. ...

  5. Photos 1

    Above: several of the interns working in the Department of Plant Pathology in Wooster. Above: students gathered for donuts and bagels in Wooster.  Larry Madden addresses the standing-room-only crowd. Above: In July, interns from Wooster and Columbus gathe ...

  6. Photos 3

    Columbus Internship Orientation- 07/12/2011 Left we met several faculty, including Tom Mitchell, who provided an enthusiastic overview of fungal genomics and genetics. Katie Gambone (near left) describes her work with Diplodia tip blight on pine.  Katie i ...

  7. Photos 2

    2011- Wooster and Columbus students and staff toured the Columbus and Wooster departments.  There are over 30 students and summer employees on the Wooster and Columbus campuses each summer. 2011 Interns- Wooster Orientation Far kest: Camille Li-Marchetti ...

  8. More Internships

    Some of our faculty also host student interns in other programs.  Explore these opportunities: OARDC Research Internships in Wooster (ORIP) High school and undergraduates interested in science, technology, engineering and math are invited to apply for int ...

  9. Oscar E. Bradfute

    Oscar E. Bradfute Professor Emeritus Deceased Dr. Oscar E. Bradfute (1926-2014) Dr. Bradfute was appointed in 1965 as assistant professor and electron microscopist to establish the electron microscope laboratory on the Wooster campus. He conducted researc ...

  10. David L. Coplin

    David L. Coplin Professor Emeritus Research Interests Phytobacteriology and molecular plant-microbe interactions Molecular basis of pathogenicity of bacterial plant pathogens, including mechanisms of water-soaking (Wts) and wilting and re ...
