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(Speaker Series) Contemporary Differences in U.S. Farm Financial Performance by Race: Does Farm Size Matter?
What are the similarities and differences across farms operated by producers of different races? This talk examines whether farm financial performance differs among farms operated by White, Black, and Native American producers. Black and Native American f ...
(Speaker Series) Indigenous Right Relations: Shifting Power and Land Forward
This talk will provide an overview of efforts by The Nature Conservancy to support the sovereignty of Indigenous Peoples throughout North America, with a few examples of how they have engaged locally in the land now called “Ohio.” There are currently 45 f ...
Darke County Junior Fair
If you have any questions related to Darke County Junior Fair events or activities, please send an email to This is the quickest and easiest way to get a response. Thank you for your patience! The Great Darke County Fair has a r ...
Shared Harvest
GREENVILLE, OH-- Shared Harvest Foodbank, in partnership with OSU Extension, Darke County, and Darke County United Way, will once again host a “drive-thru” food distribution at Radiant Lighthouse on Wednesday, May 22 nd from 3:30 p.m to 5:00 p.m. Shared ...
Garden Roundtable
Bring your questions and your knowledge to the Darke County Garden Roundtable. Starting this May, Caden will be hosting the Garden Roundtable monthly to discuss various topics. The focus plants for this month will be spinach, lettuce, and green beans. If ...
Workshop: Implicit Associations, Insidious Assumptions: Unintended Manifestations of Bias in Everyday Life
This 2-hour workshop will provide an introduction to unconscious associations that can lead to an affinity toward or prejudice against some people (implicit bias). We will explore how our socialization process leads to the formation of conscious and uncon ...
Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences – a chapter of the National Society of MANRRS ( MANRRS is an Equity and Inclusion organization that welcomes all students (undergraduate and graduate students). Goa ...
Home Food Preservaion
Canning Season is right around the corner! If the art of home food preservation is new to you, or you just need a refresher, please join Tina McGillvary, Darke County Family and Consumer Sciences Educator, for a food preservation workshop. Topics covered ...
Natural Resources Bingo
Join Darke County ANR Educator, Caden Buschur, at Worch Library to play Natural Resources Bingo. Have some fun while learning about a variety of important Natural Resources Topics. Registration is requested, but not required. To register contact Worch Mem ...
CFAES Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Workshops
Professional Development Workshops Workshops are facilitated by Dr. Leo Taylor, Program Manager in the CFAES Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, unless otherwise specified. They are scheduled throughout the year and address a variety of diversity, ...