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Horse & Pony Committee Meeting
Putting Your Garden To Rest & Seed Saving
Junior Fair Board Meeting
Take Charge of your Diabetes during the Holidays
HCS Alumni Spotlight: Evili Martins
Evili's the Greenhouse Manager at Bowling Green State University. Learn about her experiences at Ohio State + some advice for students considering studying horticulture... ...
REMINDER: 4-H Recognition Banquet Scheduled for September 22!
The 4-H Recognition Banquet is scheduled for Sunday, September 22nd at 6:00 p.m. Those who received project awards,achievement awards, trip awards, and outstanding livestock will be recognized, but all 4-H families are invited to attend. If you are being ...
REMINDER: Farm Science Review Presale Tickets Available Until September 16!
Now that the Hardin County Fair is over, it's time to start thinking about Farm Science Review! Farm Science Review tickets are now available for presale purchase from our office until September 16th. Tickets are $10 in advance (children 5 and under ...
Take Charge of Your Diabetes During the Holidays
N ovember is National Diabetes Month, and for the 37 million Americans who have diabetes, this time of year can be more difficult to manage. OSU Extension is offering “Take Charge of Your Diabetes During the Holidays” to help people with diabetes or pre-d ...
Kelsey Garmon
Office Associate 419-767-6038 Kelsey is an office associate for the Ohio State Extension Office. She grew up in Hardin County, in Kenton and is a 2009 graduate of Kenton High School. She was a 10 year member of the Hardin County 4-H prog ...
Sumita Sen
Sumita Sen PhD (Ortez) Wooster I’m anticipating graduating Autumn 2028! Research Focus: My PhD research work is focused on evaluating productivity and sustainability metrics in multi-crop systems using field scale research in Ohio. We are ...