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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Fruit and Vegetable Team

    Name Position Contact Information Specialty Frank Becker Extension Educator, Wayne County (330) 264-8722 General Fruit and Vegetables Greenhouse Lee Beers Extension Educator, Trumbull County (330) 638-6783 Blueberries P ...

  2. Ohio State University Extension Small Farm Program announces the 2020 Ohio New and Small Farm Colleges

    Are you a small farm landowner wondering what to do with your acreage? Are you interested in exploring options for land uses but not sure where to turn or how to begin? Have you considered adding an agricultural or horticultural enterprise but you just ar ...

  3. Forestry Forum Christmas Tree Sale

    noon to dark Dec. 5–6, 8 a.m. to dark Dec. 7–8. Annual sale of pines, firs, and others by the students of CFAES’ Forestry Forum, an official student chapter of the Society of American Foresters and the International Society of Arboriculture. Proceeds go t ...

  4. Processed Meats Product Show

    9:15 am- 11:15 am   A variety of meat products developed and produced by CFAES students will be available for tasting and judging. All products are inspected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and are properly labled. The students all developed a Hazar ...

  5. Grape and Wine Analysis Workshop

    With interest in Ohio wine production growing, South Centers is offering the workshop for established growers, winemakers, and those interested in getting started in Ohio’s $1.3 billion wine industry. Attendees will learn proven grape-growing techniques, ...

  6. Have your hay, and eat it, too

    COLUMBUS, Ohio—Farmers across Ohio are feeling the brunt of last spring’s unprecedented rainfall. Finding hay that is both affordable and sufficiently nutritious has been one roadblock this year for farmers. And something even more alarming than rising ha ...

  7. Coffee with the Master Gardeners: Creating Holiday Centerpieces

    The Miami County Master Gardener Volunteers will present “Holiday Centerpieces” at the next session in the Coffee with the Master Gardeners series on December 6 at 10 a.m. The session will be taught by a group of Miami County Master Gardeners and will inc ...

  8. Chow Line: Growing Giant Pumpkins

    I took my 8-year-old to a pumpkin show over the weekend and we saw giant, near record-sized pumpkins on display. Now my son wants to grow giant pumpkins like that in our backyard. Is that possible? Well, with the right seed, using the proper growing techn ...

  9. Livestock Mortality Composting

    Poultry, dairy, swine, beef cattle, and other livestock producers wanting to learn economically and environmentally beneficial ways to handle the death of their animals can earn livestock mortality composting certification through a course offered by CFAE ...

  10. Guided Bird Walk

    Led by members of Greater Mohican Audubon Society. Open to birdwatchers of all experience levels. Free admission. Details:  ...
