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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. CFAES Undergraduate Scholarship Applications Due


  2. Spring Break March 11-15, no classes, university offices are open


  3. Seminar: Xiaoqing Rong, Plant Pathology PhD candidate, Ohio State

    Characterization and field detection of Cryptococcus flavescens strains, biocontrol agents against Fusarium head blight of wheat. Fisher 121 (Wooster) and videolinked to Kottman 244 (Columbus) ...

  4. Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association's (OEFFA) 34th Annual Conference


  5. Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association's (OEFFA) 34th Annual Conference


  6. Awards 1986-2007

    2007- Jorunn Bos and Maria Soledad Benitez 2006- Angel Rebollar Alviter Left to right: Mike Ellis, Angel Rebollar Alviter, Randy Rowe, and Larry Madden 2005- Jessica S. Engle and Chatchawan Jantasuriyarat 2004- Edgar Huitema and Samantha L. Thomas 2003- M ...

  7. Seminar: David Showalter, Plant Pathology PhD student, Ohio State

    Anatomy and Chemistry of Wound Response in Woody Plants and Roles in Plant Defense. Kottman 244 (Columbus) videolinked to Fisher 121 (Wooster)  ...

  8. Seminar, Steve Seybold, Research Entomologist, US Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station

    Thousand Cankers Disease and Walnut Twig Beetle: A Threat to Walnut Trees that Simply Won't be Ignored. Kottman 244 (Columbus) videolinked to Fisher 121 (Wooster)   ...

  9. Abstracts Due for Denman Undergraduate Research Forum


  10. Seminar: Liza Comita, Assistant Professor- Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology

    Plant pests and the maintenance of diversity in tropical forests.  Location: Columbus, Kottman Hall 244 and videolinked to Wooster, Fisher 121 ...
