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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Lonnie King Appointed Acting Dean of CFAES

    Dr. Lonnie J. King has been appointed as acting dean and vice president for agricultural administration for the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) at The Ohio State University. He will assume the roles presently held by Rona ...

  2. Best Practices for Retaining Nutrient and Phytonutrient Levels in Local Produce

    Few farmers' market consumers are aware of how to retain optimal nutritional quality of produce following purchase. FCS Field Specialists Dan Remley, Pike County, and Linnette Goard (emeritus), Medina County, plus Program Director Robin Ralston, Rese ...

  3. Annual Chadwick Arboretum Plant Sale

    The Chadwick Arboretum & Learning Gardens is hosting its annual plant sale from May 5-7 in Columbus at the northwest corner of Lane Avenue and Fred Taylor Drive. This is Chadwick Arboretum’s largest fund-raiser of the year, and they depend on a succes ...

  4. Buckeye Summit

    Ohio State Convenes Buckeye Summit to Tackle Hunger and Food Insecurity Columbus, Ohio – Approximately 600 members of Buckeye Nation convened for change at the inaugural Buckeye Summit on April 14. Delegates from 17 states and as far away as London and Be ...

  5. Nutrition Newsletters


  6. Morrow County- Jams and Jellies / Pickled and Fermented Foods

    Please register at least 3 days prior to class & indicate if you will be bringing a gauge to be tested.  Stop in or call the OSU Extension – Morrow County at 419-947-1070. ...

  7. Morrow County- Drying Fruits & Vegetables/Freezing Fruits & Vegetables

    Please register at least 3 days prior to class & indicate if you will be bringing a gauge to be tested.  Stop in or call the OSU Extension – Morrow County at 419-947-1070. ...

  8. Morrow County- Canning Basics

    Second floor community room ...

  9. Morrow County- Take Charge of Diabetes

    Second floor community room. ...

  10. Summer Food Service Program

    Program Tools Building Partners [PDF] Improving nutrition education and meal quality [PDF] Photo/Video release form [PDF] Summer Food Service Program ODE Updates [PPT] Nutrition Education at SFSP sites [PPT] Nutrition Education Plan with SFSP sponsor [DOC ...
