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New Ohio Tax Good for Economy, Economists Say
August 24, 2005 COLUMBUS, Ohio — A new Ohio tax, part of a sweeping tax reform, may bring about what the current tax system has struggled to achieve: boost Ohio's lagging economy. The Commercial Activity Tax (CAT), to be phased in over the next fiv ...
New Ohio State Swank Chair to Tackle Rural-Urban Issues
August 22, 2006 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Gaining a better understanding of the factors that shape rural-urban interdependencies is just one of the goals of Ohio State University's newly appointed C. William Swank Chair in Rural-Urban Policy. The Swank Progra ...
New Ohio Master Gardener Coordinator Appointed
May 18, 2006 SPRINGFIELD, Ohio-- Two years after Ohio State University Extension's statewide Master Gardener coordinator position was dissolved due to lack of funds, it's now been given new life. Pam Bennett, an OSU Extension Educator and hort ...
New Insight on Pollinators May Aid Strawberry Production
May 22, 2002 TROY, Ohio- A steady rainfall soaks strawberry fields in this town just outside of Dayton, but the weather doesn't deter Ohio State University entomologists from trekking through standing water and mud to record the growth progression of ...
Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Your Home, Where Giant Buffalo Once Roamed (for the Week of Sept. 2, 2007)
August 29, 2007 Q. Dear Twig: The mammoth. The mastodon. The saber-toother tiger. Where'd they live? Where'd they go? A.: They lived in North America (and, in some cases, in other places, too) until the end of the Ice Age: about 10,000 years ago ...
Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Worm Do Do Doo, Worm Da Da Da (for the Week of April 6, 2008)
April 3, 2008 Q. Dear Twig: What's the stuff that comes out of the back end of a worm called? A. Is this a trick question? Yes? No? No? OK. The stuff that comes from a worm's back end indeed has an actual name. In fact it has a couple of them. A ...
Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Why Katy Doesn't (for the Week of Aug. 12, 2007)
August 9, 2007 Q. Dear Twig: I know how katydids make that sound. [See last week.] What does it mean when they do it then stop? A. In scary movies, it means one thing: Bigfoot! Ahhh! But of course those sorts of movies aren't real. Nor is Bigfoot. At ...
Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Who Else Needs the Arctic? (for the Week of Jan. 13, 2007)
January 16, 2008 Q. Dear Twig: What about other Arctic animals? If the ice cap melts, what will it mean to them? A.: Certain seals — ringed, ribbon and bearded seals — need sea ice. They give birth to and nurse their pups on it. They rest on it. They hunt ...
Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: When Raccoons Want Your Corn (for the Week of May 6, 2007)
May 1, 2007 Q. Dear Twig: Every spring we plant sweet corn in our garden. And every summer, right before we pick it, it gets eaten up by raccoons. What can we do? A. Two things: One, try an electric fence. Get a solar or plug-in fence charger. Set up one ...
Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: When, Why Geese Act Crazy (for the Week of May 13, 2007)
May 4, 2007 Q. Dear Twig: Why do some Canada geese act so crazy? A. You mean like honking at you? Hissing at you? Maybe even chasing you and trying to bite you or whack you with its wings? That is crazy. Or so it might seem to you and me. But to the Canad ...