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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Register for the upcoming Certified Livestock Management (CLM) webinar series!

    The OSU Extension’s water quality team is back for the 4 th year of our Certified Livestock Management webinar series. These webinars will cover topics relevant to Certified Livestock Managers, as well as Certified Crop Advisers. Each webinar will be reco ...

  2. Neurodivergence in Entomology: A Panel Discussion (CFAES DEI Speaker Series)

    Neurodivergence in Entomology: A Panel Discussion Join us for a special panel discussion about the intersection of neurodivergence and entomology. Speakers in various stages of their careers will describe not just the challenges they have faced as neurodi ...

  3. Introduction to Neurodivergence Webinar

    During this 60-minute webinar, Jodie Leister from the Ohio State University Employee Assistance Program will provide an overview of neurodivergence. Learning Outcomes After attending this session participants will be able to:   Describe what neurodivergen ...

  4. Small Farm Conference

    The theme for this year’s Small Farm Conference is “Sowing Seeds for Success.”  Conference session topics are geared to beginning and small farm owners as well as to farms looking to diversify their operation. There will be five different conference track ...

  5. Cosi Science Festival

    The COSI   Science   Festival  will be held  from   April 30 – May 3, 2025.   The   festival   is a four-day event to engage   the   public about   the   importance of   science. It is designed to build a diverse STEAM workforce and close the STEAM skills ...

  6. We Grow Scientists- Cosi Community Event

    The Ohio State University's College of Food, Agricultural, and Envrionmental Sciences (CFAES) will host the third annual "We Grow Scientists" event showcasing the many STEAM fields CFAES has to offer through hands-on learning and activities ...

  7. Understanding AD(H)D Webinar

    During this 60-minute webinar, Tyler McGuire from the Ohio State University Employee Assistance Program will provide an overview of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, aka AD(H)D. After attending this session participants will be able to:   Describe ...

  8. Emma Matcham

    Emma Matcham State Specialist, Integrated Forage Systems ...

  9. Racial healing book club luncheon

    Join the Racial Healing Book Club faciliators and fellow participants for a luncheon and concluding debrief session to discuss your experiece participating in the book club. Lunch is on us! This will be a hybrid event. Registration only required for in-pe ...

  10. Extension Faculty Meeting

    This event will include a f aculty lunch and panel discussions. ...
