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Student Org Spotlight
Student Org Spotlight The ATI Student Book Club is open to all students who enjoy reading and discussing books outside of assigned classroom reading. The club meets monthly to discuss a wide variety of titles including many different fiction genres and n ...
August 31- September 6, 2020
Career Prep Series
September 2020 College Success & Career Prep Workshops Career Prep Series Don’t miss out on participating in the CFAES Career Fairs because your materials are not ready. Take advantage of these sessions to learn how to navigate online career fairs, ...
Campus Activities Board (CAB) Meeting
1st CAB Meeting of the Year Join us and be part of the fun!! We'll have our first meeting on Wednesday September 2 at 6:00 pm! Zoom in to share your ideas as we start planning events for the semester!! All are welcome!! ...
2020 Dominion Energy Careers
2020 Dominion Energy Careers in Energy Student Diversity Virtual Conference What is the Dominion Energy Careers in Energy Student Diversity Student Conference? Virtual Conference- Wed, October 7th-Fri, Oct 9th, 2020 Learn about careers in energy and Domin ...
News from Academic Affairs
FACTS: Important dates you need to know: As a student you have a lot to keep track of! That’s why the University Registrar posts many of important dates and deadlines all in one spot. Dates for the current semester specific to Ohio State ATI are highlight ...
COVID Floor Plans
A letter from dr. janini Dear Students, In an effort to maintain social distancing and dedensification of our academic buildings, we have established dedicated directions to all stairways and exits in Skou and Halterman Halls. Water is only available from ...
OSU Face Mask Updates
OSU Face Mask Requirements 8/25/20 Questions and opinions abound regarding the requirements for face masks on OSU’s campuses, so I did a little research on the Safe and Healthy Buckeye website. In short, a face mask must be worn on campus when indoors and ...
Be An Upstander vs. a Bystander- August 31 @ 7:00 pm
Be an upstander vs. a bystander Join OneEighty to discuss and develop strategies to recognize potentially unsafe situations, identify solutions and interventions, and be an upstander for victims of interpersonal violence. When: Monday August 31st at 7 ...
Be An Upstander vs. a Bystander
Join OneEighty to discuss and develop strategies to recognize potentially unsafe situations, identify solutions and interventions, and be an upstander for victims of interpersonal violence. To join- ...