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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. NE Ohio Nursery Plants Trees in Tornado-hit Secrest: 'It's a Pay-it-forward Thing'

    November 24, 2010 WOOSTER, Ohio — Thirty-some years ago, Ken Cochran gave Mario Cekada, just starting out in the nursery industry, a helping hand.   Last week, Cekada returned the favor. His now-successful business, Rusty Oak Nursery of Valley City ...

  2. Nematode, Urban Landscape Expert Wins 2009 OARDC Senior Faculty Research Award; Work 'Spans from Genes to Ecosystems'

    April 23, 2009 WOOSTER, Ohio — The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) today (April 23) honored Parwinder Grewal, a professor in Ohio State University’s Department of Entomology, with its 2009 Distinguished Senior Facul ...

  3. New 4-H Center Going 'Green'

    November 13, 2003 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- The new Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, to be completed in 2005 on the Ohio State University campus, will be "green" in more ways than one. The color of the familiar 4-H clover symbol will be a remi ...

  4. New 4-H Center Receives $50,000 Pledge

    July 17, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Tiney McComb, chairman, president, and CEO of Heartland Bank, feels he has much to give back to the program that significantly impacted his life as a 9-year-old boy growing up on a farm. "I began my 4-H tenure as a 9-ye ...

  5. More GMO Corn Increasing Risk of Crop Contamination

    May 7, 2003 COLUMBUS, Ohio — With the production of genetically modified corn gradually increasing in Ohio, the risk of contaminating non-GMO corn through pollination is becoming more of a concern. Peter Thomison, an Ohio State University Extension agro ...

  6. 'More Beef for Less Money' Highlight of Field Day

    July 16, 2002 COSHOCTON, Ohio — Beef cattle farmers know all too well that winter feeding takes a big bite out of the ruminants’ maintenance budget. The good news is that alternative feeding methods can reduce the total cost of raising cows without af ...

  7. More Food Grown Near Home, Less Oil: Ohio State Tests Eco Plots for Small Farms Serving Cities

    February 21, 2008 WOOSTER, Ohio — Joe Kovach set out to gross $10 per row foot, equal to a robust $90,000 per acre, in his innovative farm plots of mixed fruits and vegetables.   So far, based on the crops that he has in production, the Ohio State ...

  8. Make Food Plan Now for Emergencies

    September 1, 2005 Editor: A PDF file of the "Eating Nutritiously When the Lights are Out" fact sheet is available to download from this Web page. COLUMBUS, Ohio-- With clear weather in the forecast, flood warnings from earlier this week might se ...

  9. Mad Cow Nervousness May Drive Consumers Away from Beef

    May 22, 2003 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Chicken and pork rather than beef may be the meats of grilling choice this Memorial Day holiday, if U.S. consumers express concerns over the recent case of mad cow disease identified in Canada. “If consumer demand gets sh ...

  10. Lt. Gov. Candidate Padgett Tours ATI, OARDC

    April 27, 2006 WOOSTER, Ohio — Lieutenant governor candidate Joy Padgett looked into Ohio’s future April 25 in Wooster, and it featured science and higher education. The state senator from Coshocton toured the Agricultural Technical Institut ...
