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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. EEOB Spring Seminar Series

    The EEOB Seminar Series welcomes Gil Bohrer, OSU Civil, Environmental & Geodetic Engineering, as the speaker on January 23, 2014 @ 1PM in Jennings 0001. The title of his talk will be "From trees to forests- modeling the interactions between veget ...

  2. ESGP Seminar-- Issues in Environmental Science

    The ESGP Seminar welcomes Nall Moonilall, MS student (Rattan Lal, advisor), who will present his entrance presentation on The Impact of Biochar and other Soil Amendments on Soil Quality for Some Soils in Guyana, in 3150 Smith Lab. ...

  3. ESGP Seminar-- Issues in Environmental Science

    The ESGP Seminar welcomes Robyn Wilson, Associate Professor, School of Environment & Natural Resources, who will present Designing Environmental Policy that Works: A Case Study of Decision Making in Agricultural Landscapes, in 3150 Smith Lab. ...

  4. ESGP Seminar-- Issues in Environmental Science

    The ESGP Seminar welcomes David Denlinger, Distinguished University Professor, Department of Entomology who will present Surviving in Antarctica: an Insect Perspective, in 3150 Smith Lab. ...

  5. Express Services

    Express Services are offered in 210 Kottman Hall to students on a walk-in basis with a time limit of 15 minutes. Students can get help with:  Scheduling, adding or dropping a class prerequisite concerns general academic questions signatures for forms such ...

  6. ESGP Seminar-- Issues in Environmental Science

    The ESGP Seminar welcomes  Jennifer Nietz, Ecologist, who will present  Ecology in the Workplace,  in 3150 Smith Lab. ...

  7. OARDC Annual Research Conference

    Shisler Conference Center, Wooster Campus More information: ...

  8. Graduate Seminars

      Attending seminars from different programs will expand your knowledge and contact base. There are seminars offered for graduate students in the following Ohio State programs.  Environmental Science (ESGP) Food Science and Technology (FST) Horticulture a ...

  9. Graduate Student Connections

    Graduate Student Connections    Your peers in the School of Environment and Natural Resources and other graduate programs at The Ohio State University are an important part of your graduate career. Social and professional networking will serve as connecti ...

  10. Visit Us

      Experience Graduate Opportunities at The Ohio State University We want you to come visit us and learn about our programs and the unique opportunities the Environment and Natural Resources Graduate Program has to offer. Visits are best scheduled individu ...
