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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Grow Fruits and Vegetables Anywhere With a Compost Sock

    May 24, 2010 PIKETON, Ohio – Ohio State University Extension horticulturists at OSU South Centers at Piketon are already picking their high tunnel strawberries – about a month ahead of field-grown strawberries. But that’s not the exci ...

  2. Hardy by Their Nature: OARDC Heirloom Roses Survive Tornado

    October 1, 2010 WOOSTER, Ohio — Almost all the 1,500 heirloom roses in Ohio State University’s Secrest Arboretum survived the recent tornado there.   “We technically lost maybe four roses,” Kelly King, the collection’s car ...

  3. Highly Toxic Poison Hemlock a Threat in Newly Urbanized Areas

    June 19, 2003 CINCINNATI, Ohio-- If Socrates were alive, the first thing he would tell you is "Stay away from poison hemlock!" The toxic weed, reputedly used to execute the famous Greek philosopher in 329 B.C., has become common in Ohio during t ...

  4. 'Golden Rice' Creator Ingo Potrykus to Speak at OARDC May 2

    April 18, 2003 WOOSTER, Ohio-- World-renowned scientist Ingo Potrykus, who helped invent beta carotene-enriched "golden rice," is visiting the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center's (OARDC) Wooster campus to speak about biotech ...

  5. Gov. Strickland Tours Bionergy Project at OARDC, Touts Digestion Technology

    March 31, 2010 WOOSTER, Ohio — Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland said the partnership between the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) and quasar energy group to produce renewable energy from biomass is a great example of how Ohio is vy ...

  6. Grow Fresh Fruit in Your Own Backyard: New Book Shows You How

    February 20, 2009 COLUMBUS, Ohio — You can grow your own fruit in your own backyard. Grapes, apples, pears, peaches, raspberries, strawberries, even hardy kiwis. And a new book by Ohio State University Extension can help you do it.   Midwest Home F ...

  7. Goebel Wins 2010 OARDC Junior Faculty Research Award: Forest Ecology, Restoration Expert

    April 23, 2010 WOOSTER, Ohio — Ohio State University scientist Charles Goebel yesterday (4/22) was named winner of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center's (OARDC) 2010 Distinguished Junior Faculty Research Award.   The award ho ...

  8. Get Used to High Natural Gas Prices

    July 25, 2003 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Just like the realization that Americans may never again see 99-cent gasoline at the pumps, farmers should be prepared to accept the possibility of higher than normal natural gas prices over the next several years. Matt Ro ...

  9. Getting an Early Jump on the Soybean Aphid

    February 27, 2004 WOOSTER, Ohio — Crop growers may still be waiting for their fields to thaw, but Ohio State University research entomologists are already putting the bug in their ear regarding the soybean aphid — the soybean plant’s new and most my ...

  10. Giusti Earns OARDC Innovator Award: 'Great Influence' on Cranberry Juice, More

    April 23, 2010 WOOSTER, Ohio — Monica Giusti, an assistant professor in Ohio State University’s Department of Food Science and Technology, yesterday (4/22) received the 2010 Director’s Innovator of the Year Award from the Ohio Agricul ...
