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Society and Natural Resources
ENR 2300 Introduction to interactions between humans, natural resources, and ecosystems from a social science perspective. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 203. GE soc sci human, nat, and econ resources course. Undergraduate 3.0 ENR2300_SP24sy ...
Part-time Professional Practice in Environment and Natural Resources
ENR 2191 Part-time practical professional experience in an environmental/natural resources field. Prereq or concur: 3191. Repeatable to a maximum of 4 cr hrs. This course is progress graded (S/U). Undergraduate 1.0 ENR 2191 SP22 Syllabus.pdf ENR 2191 AU23 ...
Energy and Environment
ENR 2155 This course introduces and examines the fundamentals of energy sources, energy use, energy efficiency, and resulting environmental implications of the various energy supplies. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 155 or EarthSc 2155 (Eart ...
Introduction to Environmental Science
ENR 2100 Introduction to environmental science, the ecological foundation of environmental systems, the ecological impacts of environmental degradation by humans, and strategies for sustainable management of environment and natural resources. Prereq: Not ...
Natural Resources Data Analysis
ENR 2000 Introductory data analysis course that focuses on understanding and applying basic statistical concepts, problem solving, and interpreting the results of statistical analysis. GE data anly course. GE foundation math and quant reasoning or data an ...
ENR Scholars Seminar
ENR 1150 Designed for first year Environment and Natural Resources Scholars students to explore personal interests, interdisciplinary opportunities, campus and local community resources, and issues and activities related to Environment and Natural Resourc ...
Environment and Natural Resources Survey- Honors Section
ENR 1100H Survey course for ENR Honors students. Covers academic requirements; university procedures, grading system, resources; student rights and responsibilities; overview of academic areas of study. Also covers career opportunities in Env't and N ...
Why the AIC?
Northeast Ohio is home to population centers, like Cleveland and Akron/Canton, along with rich, prime soils and a wide variety of farms. Our region includes Ohio’s highest concentration of women farmers and small and medium farms, and a large Amish popula ...
Emeritus & Former Faculty at the SENR
Associate Professors Assistant Professors Professors Service Years Program Area *Emeritus Jerry M. Bigham* (Director) (Curriculum Vita) 1977-2010 Soil Science James H. Brown* (Assistant Director) 1970-1995 Forestry Frank G. Calhoun* 1986-2010 Soil Sci ...
Full list of 2023 Publications
2023 Publications to Date Ram K Adhikari, Neelam C Poudyal, Thomas O Ochuodho, Rajan Parajuli, Omkar Joshi, Sayeed R Mehmood, John F Munsell, Gaurav Dhungel, William Thomas, Ellen Crocker, Mo Zhou, Predictors of Landowners’ Intention to Manage Emerald Ash ...