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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Giusti Earns OARDC Innovator Award: 'Great Influence' on Cranberry Juice, More

    April 23, 2010 WOOSTER, Ohio — Monica Giusti, an assistant professor in Ohio State University’s Department of Food Science and Technology, yesterday (4/22) received the 2010 Director’s Innovator of the Year Award from the Ohio Agricul ...

  2. Geospatial Conference Highlights Success of Technology

    February 13, 2003 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Learning to use a variety of geospatial technologies and successfully applying them to agriculture and natural resources land use planning and management will be the key focus of an in-depth Ohio geospatial technology ...

  3. Germplasm Center Reviving Old-Style Petunias

    April 11, 2005 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Petunias with blooms of white, purple, pink, red and yellow populate greenhouses at Ohio State University’s Ornamental Plant Germplasm Center (OPGC). Petunias are not uncommon, but what makes these so special ...

  4. Get Used to High Natural Gas Prices

    July 25, 2003 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Just like the realization that Americans may never again see 99-cent gasoline at the pumps, farmers should be prepared to accept the possibility of higher than normal natural gas prices over the next several years. Matt Ro ...

  5. Georgia Forest Ecologist Named Director of OSU School of Environment and Natural Resources

    October 20, 2009 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ron Hendrick, professor of forest ecology and associate dean for academic affairs in the University of Georgia’s D.B. Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, has been named director of The Ohio Sta ...

  6. Garden Club of Ohio to Secrest: 'We Want to Help'

    November 19, 2010 WOOSTER, Ohio — A statewide gardening organization is helping a major Ohio plant collection come back from a devastating tornado.   The Garden Club of Ohio recently presented a $500 seed gift to Ohio State University’s Secr ...

  7. Forest Products Industry: Learn about EAB Quarantines, How to Stay in Business April 23 in Holmes Co.

    April 5, 2007 CHARM, Ohio — Sawmill owners, loggers, mulch manufacturers, pallet makers, foresters, firewood dealers and other representatives of the green and timber industries — mark you calendars for Monday, April 23, for an informational ...

  8. Freshwater Prawn Finding Niche in Ohio Aquaculture

    October 1, 2009 PIKETON, Ohio – On a recent cloudy morning at Ohio State University’s South Centers at Piketon, a large group of visitors watched curiously as researchers and volunteers netted an aquaculture species many would consider out o ...

  9. Food Scientist Uses High Pressure to Keep Food Safe-- for a Long, Long Time

    October 26, 2009 Editor: For a high-res version of the attached photo, contact Martha Filipic at COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Ohio State University food science researcher V.M. "Bala" Balasubramaniam isn't feeling pressure to p ...

  10. For Grape Growers: Ohio State Hosts Conference Nov. 6 in Wooster

    October 26, 2009 WOOSTER, Ohio — Grape growers will have the opportunity to learn from national experts at the upcoming Fall Viticulture Conference, to be held Nov. 6 on the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s (OARDC) Wooster ...
