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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Sumer Is The Perfect Season For Homemade Ice Cream

    Since 1937, June has been celebrated as National Dairy Month by the National Dairy Council ...

  2. Use Tools To Help Prepare For Pest Damage To Fields, Crops

    With the growing season underway, there are some trends that have made late spring a challenge for area growers and farmers ...

  3. A Balanced Life: Personal Wellness Is More Than Just Eating Vegetables

    Think about how you would answer this question. “What does healthy look like to you?” ...

  4. Hay! How You Gather and Store Yours Matters

    Harvesting forage to be stored as dry hay can be the most difficult ...

  5. With Livestock Leases, 4-H Clubs Have Something For Everyone

    Our program has lease agreements for feeder calves, horses, and dairy cattle ...

  6. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    Ms. April F. White, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University Milk Prices In the March issue, the Class III milk futures for April and May were $15.72 and $16.35/cwt, respectively.  Class III milk closing price ...

  7. Up for the Challenge – Dairy Challenge

    Dr. Maurice L. Eastridge, Professor, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University   The North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge (NAIDC) program began in 2002 ( and the first regional program began in the ...

  8. Dairy Sustainability Part 2: Methane Mitigating Feed Additives

    Dr. Kirby Krogstad, Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University and Dr. Joanne Knapp, Fox Hollow Consulting, LLC As we discussed in the first article of our series, enteric methane, produced in the digestive tract of dair ...

  9. 3-NOP (Bovaer™) Receives FDA Approval

    Dr. Kirby Krogstad, Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University The News!       This week, on May 28 th, the Food and Drug Administration announced that Bovaer met their safety and efficacy requirements. Bovaer is the com ...

  10. Beat the Heat Before It's Late: Cooling Strategies for Dairy Cattle

    Dr. Grazyne Tresoldi, Assistant Professor, Animal Welfare, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University Feels like summer has already arrived in Ohio, and the National Weather Service has already predicted above-normal temperatures for this se ...
