CFAES Give Today
Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Blast Off!

    JOIN YOUR BLAST OFF! FLIGHT CREW: Joseph Maiorano and other educators will lead your JOURNEY toward improved and less stressful parenting. During these 4 session virtual workshops, we use Active Parenting curriculum to introduce you to tools that may help ...

  2. Blast Off!

    JOIN YOUR BLAST OFF! FLIGHT CREW: Joseph Maiorano and other educators will lead your JOURNEY toward improved and less stressful parenting. During these 4 session virtual workshops, we use Active Parenting curriculum to introduce you to tools that may help ...

  3. Workshop: Implicit Associations, Insidious Assumptions: Unintended Manifestations of Bias in Everyday Life

    NOTE: If the registration link does not work, please log onto BuckeyeLearn via  and search for the title of the workshop (check for spelling errors, search terms must match) Description: This 90-minute workshop will provide ...

  4. Blast Off! Parenting Series

    JOIN YOUR BLAST OFF! FLIGHT CREW: Joseph Maiorano and other educators will lead your JOURNEY toward improved and less stressful parenting. During these 4 session virtual workshops, we use Active Parenting curriculum to introduce you to tools that may help ...

  5. Quality Assurance

    Quality Assurance dates are live!  Don't forget registration is required! February 19- 9am at the Duke Lundgard sign up at February 19- 11am at the Duke Lundgard sign up at March 25- 5:30pm at the Hob ...

  6. Mercedes McFarland

    Educator, 4-H Youth Development 603 Wagner Ave, Greenville, Ohio 45331 937-548-5215 ...

  7. The 13th CFAES Wooster Celebration of Nations

    FREE and open to all- BuckID or USDA ID required Register at: Reserve a seat on the free, Wi-Fi equipped 55-passenger OSU bus (leaves Ag Admin in Columbus at 10am, returns to Ag Admin at 3pm) Comp ...

  8. Workshop: The Gift of Accountability: How to Respond When Someone Calls You In/Out for Causing Harm

    We all do it- say or do something, often unintentionally, that causes harm to someone. Maybe it's just a slip of the tongue or a microaggression. Sometimes, we're lucky and an ally intervenes to let us know what we did that caused harm and why. ...

  9. Agricultural Crop Forcasting

    Join Darke County ANR Educator Caden Buschur at Worch Library to learn about  agricultural crop forecasting. Topics include crop production, sales, and factors that can influence the market. Registration with Worch Library is requested but not required. F ...

  10. Farm Business Management- Part III

    Join Caden for the third and final session of a three part series on Farm Business Management. Part three will focus on Financial Preparedness. Pizza will be offered at 5:30pm provided by Farm Bureau of Darke County and Farm Credit, Mid-America. Presentat ...
