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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Ohio State educator honored with national early-career teaching award

    COLUMBUS, Ohio — Amanda Bowling, associate professor and honors coordinator in The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership (ACEL), has been ...

  2. 2025 Pesticide & Fertiliizer Certification

    To find more information and to register for the following recertification and license preparation course dates, please visit or call the OSU Extension Office in Hardin County at 419-674-2297. Payment is accepted prior to the ...

  3. Keep your Thanksgiving feast safe

    COLUMBUS, Ohio — With Thanksgiving just around the corner, many families are looking forward to gathering around the table for a festive feast. For those purchasing a frozen turkey, however, it’s essential to plan for safe preparation, according to expert ...

  4. Urban Agriculture Magazine Survey

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  5. Sewing Workshop

    OSU Extension in Hardin County is hosting monthly sewing workshops between December and April for children in 3 rd  grade through adults. Students in 3 rd-6 th  grades are encouraged to bring an adult helper with them. Class size is limited to 12 particip ...

  6. How anti-obesity drugs are linked to food waste

    COLUMBUS, Ohio – Taking anti-obesity drugs has led some U.S. adults to throw away more food than they tossed before starting the medications, a new study has found. ...

  7. Ohio 4-H Brings Agriculture to the Cities

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  8. 4-H Camp Counselor Interviews

    Dear 4-H Member, As an Upperclassman (10-12 grade) you are eligible to serve as a Hardin County 4-H Camp Counselor.  Even if you don’t have any camp experience, this is a great opportunity to develop leadership, teaching, and teamwork skills.  Please see ...

  9. 4-H Camp Counselor Applications Due

    Dear 4-H Member, As an Upperclassman (10-12 grade) you are eligible to serve as a Hardin County 4-H Camp Counselor.  Even if you don’t have any camp experience, this is a great opportunity to develop leadership, teaching, and teamwork skills.  Please see ...

  10. Policy Brief: The Time Is Ripe to Support Urban Agriculture

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