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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Forgotten Wheat Pest Back in Ohio

    June 21, 2007 WOOSTER, Ohio-- A wheat pest that has been off the radar screen for the past three decades in Ohio may be making a comeback.   Cereal leaf beetle has been causing serious damage to some Ohio wheat fields over the past two years to such an ex ...

  2. Forgotten Corn Diseases Making a Comeback

    February 22, 2005 COLUMBUS, Ohio — While all attention turns to soybean rust, a long forgotten issue is slowly creeping its way back into crop fields. And Ohio State University agricultural specialists say it's time growers start to take notice.   Co ...

  3. Forage Options Increasing for Frost Seeding

    February 9, 2006 ATHENS, Ohio-- Lespedeza, a drought-tolerant annual legume, is receiving attention throughout parts of Ohio as an alternative forage species to frost seed for pasture renovation.   Ohio State University Extension, along with a small numbe ...

  4. Forage Production Strategies for Horses at Farm Science Review

    August 31, 2007 LONDON, Ohio-- With alfalfa harvest falling short and much of Ohio's pastureland unsuitable for forage due to this season's drought, managing adequate, high-quality feed for horses has become a challenge for many owners.   Gary W ...

  5. For the Most Out of Soybeans, Don't Sit on Harvest

    October 5, 2005 COLUMBUS, Ohio — If there's one thing soybean growers can do to get the most out of their drought-stressed crop, it's harvest as soon as the beans reach optimum moisture levels.   Jim Beuerlein, an Ohio State University Extension ...

  6. Food-Borne Pathogens May Be Controlled Through Manure Management

    January 3, 2002 WOOSTER, Ohio- The effects of nutrition and waste management on microbial pathogens found in manure may help to control their spread from the environment to humans. Ohio State University and North Carolina State University researchers have ...

  7. For the Most in Pasture Management, Measure Forage Dry Matter

    June 5, 2009 ATHEN, Ohio-- For livestock producers wanting the most out of their pastures, measuring forage dry matter content before and after livestock grazing is the most effective way of managing an intensive grazing system.   Pasture measurement allo ...

  8. Food Safety Workshops Target Ohio's Hispanic Workforce

    August 11, 2005 BOWLING GREEN, Ohio — Ohio State University Extension is offering bilingual training of proper on-farm food handling techniques to mainly aid employers and the growing number of Hispanic workers entering Ohio's workforce.   "Food ...

  9. Follow Label When Using Feed Additive on Show Pigs

    July 18, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- A change in Ohio's exhibition livestock laws now allows producers to legally use an FDA-approved feed additive in their show pigs. But Ohio State University animal science researchers said users shouldn't go hog-wil ...

  10. Follow the Rules When Planting Transgenic Corn

    November 1, 2007 WOOSTER, Ohio-- As the number of Ohio growers planting transgenic corn hybrids increases, Ohio State University Extension entomologists are reiterating the importance of following required Insect Resistant Management (IRM) guidelines.   R ...
