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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. EFNEP

    EFNEP (Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program) is a free nutrition education program offered in several counties in Ohio for low-income adults with children and youth. Program assistants use interactive discussions and hands-on activities to guide ...

  2. Growing Ohio

    Grow your ideas... with OARDC Grow your business... with BioHio Grow your workforce... with Ohio State ATI The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) is the largest of its type in the nation. Its ability to assist enterprises with bio-b ...

  3. 2014 NC 1023 Annual Committee Meeting

    For information about this meeting, please go to their website at: ...

  4. Food Science and Technology Hall of Distinction Award Presentation


  5. Perfetti Van Melle Industry Information Session

    Perfetti Van Melle will be here for an industry information session on Wednesday, October 29th. Come and learn about the company and what internship and job opportunities might be available. Dinner will be served starting at 5:00 pm and the information se ...

  6. Schreiber Industry Information Session

    Schreiber is coming for an Industry Information visit. They will talk about their company as well as internship and job opportuntiies. Dinner is served at 6:00 pm and the information session will start at 6:15 pm in Parker 118. ...

  7. Vice President's Summit: Conversations on the Future of Extension

    Celebrating the significant accomplishments and deep impact that OSU Extension has had on communities and in the lives of Ohioans provides a great springboard for the future. A significant component of Ohio’s celebration in 2014 will be a year-long proces ...

  8. Vice President's Summit: Conversations on the Future of Extension

    Celebrating the significant accomplishments and deep impact that OSU Extension has had on communities and in the lives of Ohioans provides a great springboard for the future. A significant component of Ohio’s celebration in 2014 will be a year-long proces ...

  9. Vice President's Summit: Conversations on the Future of Extension

    Celebrating the significant accomplishments and deep impact that OSU Extension has had on communities and in the lives of Ohioans provides a great springboard for the future. A significant component of Ohio’s celebration in 2014 will be a year-long proces ...

  10. Conversations on the Future of Extension

    Celebrating the significant accomplishments and deep impact that OSU Extension has had on communities and in the lives of Ohioans provides a great springboard for the future. A significant component of Ohio’s celebration in 2014 will be a year-long proces ...
