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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Survey Explores Farmers' Use of Precision Agriculture Technology

    February 24, 2010 COLUMBUS, Ohio – Ohio farmers have rapidly adopted precision agriculture technology, with about 50 percent of them incorporating at least one component in their production system. But how satisfied are they with the equipment and the res ...

  2. Spicing Up Ohio's Veggie Market With Exotic Crops

    October 7, 2002 PIKETON, Ohio- Looking to grow and market something different than tomatoes, cucumbers or peppers? How does amaranth, jute, Alaskan yard-long beans or malabar spinach grab you? Researchers at Ohio State University's South Centers at P ...

  3. Soybeans Overcoming Diseases, Other Issues

    August 30, 2004 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio's soybean crop is holding its own despite getting slammed with diseases and the onset of cooler-than-normal August temperatures, which could delay the grain-filling process.   Ohio State University Extension spec ...

  4. Soybean Yields May Plummet in Absence of Rain

    August 2, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- Amid high temperatures and little rain, Ohio soybean growers are struggling to make lemonade out of a lemon of a crop, but their efforts may be fruitless. Neither early-season nor late-maturing soybean varieties are escaping ...

  5. Soybean Rust-Labeled Fungicides Not Worth It for Other Diseases

    June 14, 2005 Editor's note: This is part of a periodic series on information regarding soybean rust. The goal is to provide media with the latest updates on the disease and Ohio State's role in research and education. These updates are expected ...

  6. Soybean Rust Moving Slower than Predicted

    June 13, 2005 Editor's note: This is part of a periodic series on information regarding soybean rust. The goal is to provide media with the latest updates on the disease and Ohio State's role in research and education. These updates are expected ...

  7. Soybean Rust Infections Remain Low

    July 13, 2005 Editor's note: This is part of a periodic series on information regarding soybean rust. The goal is to provide media with the latest updates on the disease and Ohio State's role in research and education. These updates are expected ...

  8. Soybean Rust Development Stalled

    June 30, 2006 Editor: This story was originally released on the afternoon of June 29. Later that evening, a new report of soybean rust was identified in Alabama. This story has been updated to reflect the new finding. WOOSTER, Ohio-- Thanks to drought con ...

  9. Soybean Production Woes Continue into Harvest

    September 26, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- Soybean harvest, as one Ohio State University Extension agronomist describes it, will be "slow and painful" for Ohio growers. The poor condition of the crop, associated with a wet spring, late planting and a ho ...

  10. Soybean Leaf Feeders Out in Full Force

    August 3, 2006 WOOSTER, Ohio-- Soybean growers are being encouraged to scout their fields amid scattered reports of high numbers of leaf defoliators making a meal of the crop.   Ron Hammond, an Ohio State University research entomologist with the Ohio Agr ...
