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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Food Preservation

    Food Preservation News Release [DOC] Bookmark [PDF] Food Preservation Resources Handout [PDF] Food Preservation Fact sheets  (web) +  [PDF] Canning problem solving questions [PDF ] Contacts Email Office Phone Nicole Arnold 614-247-6109 ...

  2. TAP

    Training Achievement Program The Training Achievement Program (TAP) offers an online alternative to our traditional in-person food safety classes. This course is for owners, managers and/or workers in a food-service establishment that require Level II cer ...

  3. Lauren Roberson, PhD, RD, LD

    Lauren Roberson, PhD, RD, LD Assistant Professor and State Specialist, Community Nutrition 614-688-0261 Remote Lauren Roberson is a licensed dietitian with the State Medical Board of Ohio. She is also a scientific writing and editoria ...

  4. Food Safety

    Food Safety Ohio State University Extension Family and Consumer Sciences professionals offer a variety of food safety programming throughout the state. The manner in which people handle and prepare food is a major reason why foodborne illness occurs. Peop ...

  5. Survey to Estimate Impact of Recent Storms on Corn and Soybean Production in Ohio

    Drought conditions followed by rainfall from recent storms are impacting crop quality. For soybean, we have received reports of pod shatter, seed sprouting, and fungus development (Figure 1). For corn, we have reports of lodging (Figure 2) as well as pote ...

  6. Hurricane Helene’s Effect on Soybean in Ohio

    Areas of Ohio were beginning to show abnormally dry conditions in mid-June. Areas of southern Ohio entered extreme drought conditions (D3) in August and exceptional drought (D4) by the first week of September. Due to dry conditions, soybean pods showed a ...

  7. Precipitation, Cooler Weather, and Corn Dry Down

    With >70% of mature corn and harvest season just started it is time for a brief update on dry down and potential lodging issues post-recent storms. Cooler than normal temperatures and wetter than normal precipitation can impact corn drydown. We recentl ...

  8. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 28- Corn Harvest Considerations

    Episode 28 of Battle for the Belt is now available: In Episode 28, we are in the field with Dr. Osler Ortez to cover more information on corn harvest considerations, including corn ear orientation and test weigh ...

  9. 2024 End-of-Season Corn Yield Forecasts for Ohio

    The last USDA Crop Progress & Condition report (week ending 9/29/24) indicated that 96% of Ohio's corn acreage was at the dented stage (R5), 70% of corn was mature (R6), and 16% was harvested for grain. All of last week’s progress was well ahead ...

  10. Drought to Frost: Feeding Safe Forages

    This year is presenting many challenges when it comes to forage toxicity and ensuring that we have safe feed for our livestock. Drought conditions have led to an active discussion on forage toxicity and the potential for frost in the future presents an ad ...
