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Beef Steer, Heifer and Dairy Steer Weigh-In and Tagging
All 4-H and FFA members who are taking a market beef steer, beef heifer or dairy steer project must have the animals tagged and weighed in order to take the animals to the 2015 Champaign County Fair. For full details and a 2015 Cattlemen's Certificat ...
Jr. Goat Council Meeting
Volume 9 Issue 4
Student Success Center
The Student Success Center offers many new amenities to our students, including: Computer stations and areas for student study, collaborating, and lounging Spaces for teaching and conferences Wireless networking, energy efficient lighting, and transparen ...
Cameron Thraen to Address the North American Dairy Club
Discrepancies in Migration Statistics and their Implication on Well-Being Measures
Migration and Climate Variability
Children's Schooling in Nicaragua: What Is the Link Between Educational Achievement and Borrowing?
The Interaction Between Migrants and Origin Households: Evidence from Linked Data
Migration and Imperfect Monitoring: Implications for Intra-household Allocation