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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Change of Faces at the Ohio Cooperative Development Center

    By: Hannah Scott, OCDC Program Manager   The Ohio Cooperative Development Center at the OSU South Centers welcomed Hannah Scott as the program manager on January 26, 2015.    Hannah is from Georgetown, Ohio, where she and her family continue to farm.  Han ...

  2. Dr. Hanping Wang Visited Benha University and WorldFish Center in Egypt

    By: Hanping Wang, PhD, Senior Research Scientist Invited by the Egyptian Embassy in Washington, DC, Dr. Hanping Wang recently visited Benha University in Cairo to discuss and enhance future scientific collaboration, and advise Ms Hiam S. Desouky’s dissert ...

  3. Ms. Hiam S. Desouky Passed Her Defense and Received Her Ph.D.

    By: Hanping Wang, PhD, Senior Research Scientist Ms. Hiam S. Desouky, who was trained through a joint Ph.D. training program between the OSU South Centers and Benha University in Cairo, passed her defense and received her Ph.D. recently in the School of V ...

  4. Can Making High Tunnels Increase Farm Profits?

    By: Brad Bergefurd, MS, Horticulture Specialist and Extension Educator   High tunnels, also called high hoops or hoop houses, are temporary structures used to extend the growing season of fruits and vegetables and are gaining in popularity with area farme ...

  5. Cover Crops Boost Soil Health, Nutrients, Earthworms and Lower Costs

    PIKETON, Ohio – Ohio farmers looking to improve the overall health of their soil should consider planting oilseed radish, cereal rye, cowpea or Austrian winter pea as a cover crop, which can improve soil health and save money, says a soil scientist at the ...

  6. Workshop Resources

    Workshop Resources Buy Safe Fish Marketing and Processing Workshop Online Resources ...

  7. Stephen Reichley Resources

    Stephen Reichley Resources 208-210 Biosecurity SRAC Pub 4707 SRAC Pub 4708 SRAC Pub 4712 ...

  8. Angela Caporelli Resources

    Angela Caporelli Resources Environmental Chemical Statement Grower and Propagation Permit Finfish Flow Chart (blank) Finfish Flow Chart HACCP for Finfish (blank) HACCP for Finfish HACCP Log Finfish NAA Culinary Brochure NAA Seafood Brochure Q&A Brochu ...

  9. Additional Resources

    Additional Resources Angela Caporelli Resources Stephen Reichley Resources Workshop Resources ...

  10. OSU Experts Offer Beef Quality Assurance Training Workshop

    The workshop is targeted toward any cattle producer who is interested in learning proper management techniques to ensure a safe and wholesome beef product for consumers, said John Grimes, beef coordinator for Ohio State University Extension and a member o ...
