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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. History Timeline

    1862- Passage of Morrill's Land Grant Act.  Signed by President Abraam Lincoln, the act changed higher education by bringing agricultural and vocational studies to the mostly rural population of the U.S. 1870- The university was established as the Oh ...

  2. Sample of Course Content

    A Little Background "The history of plant diseases is an important component of human culture and history. Yet, very few people know much about plants, food, or the pathogens we fight every day and every season. Most of us have lived in a time of abu ...

  3. Wang Lab


  4. Academic Mission

    The mission of The Ohio State University, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, Department of Plant Pathology Academic Programs (in facilitating and mentoring the learning process) is to: Provide a superior scholarly education to stud ...

  5. Application to Graduate


  6. Mitchell outreach and engagement list

    K-12 Outreach and Engagement Provided afternoon laboratory experience for 30 boys ages 8-12 for Compassionate Tabernacle of Faith At Risk program Mentor to 7 high school students from Southeastern Wake High School, Enloe High School, and Broughton High Sc ...

  7. Miller publications

    (Since 1999) Baysal, F., Benitez, M.-S., Kleinhenz, M., Miller, S.A. and McSpadden Gardener, B.B. 2008. Field management effects on damping-off and early season vigor of crops in a transitional organic cropping system.  Phytopathology 98:562-570. Aruscava ...

  8. Mitchell publications

    Yangrae, C., Kwang-Hyung, K., Mauricio, L.R., Scott, D., Santopietro, G., Callihan, M., Mitchell, T.K., and C. Lawrence Identification of novel virulence factors associated with signal transduction pathways in Alternaria brassicicola. Submitted Molecular ...

  9. Pierce Paul people profile

    Pierce Paul I was born in a small country called Guyana, formally British Guiana, located on the northern coast of South America. My training in agriculture began at secondary school where I took the General Certificate of Education (GCE) examination in A ...

  10. Miller courses

    Co-instructor (with Sally Miller) (Plnt Pth 615) Fruit and Vegetable Crop Diseases (U  G  3 cr) Major diseases of fruit and vegetable crops with emphasis on etiology, epidemiology and management.  Wi quarter.  Prerequ: Plant Path 401 or equiv.  Not open t ...
