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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. CD Weekly Wire- May 13, 2013

    AD Update: It Will Be What You Make of It The past few updates have focused on giving. That theme continues this week, but instead of giving via the Campus Campaign, we focus on giving via your professional association. I turned over the NACDEP Treasurer ...

  2. Content Submission

    Do you have activities, presentations, visitors or any other news or content that you would like to submit to the SENR website?  Pass it along to us here! First Name * Last Name * Email Address * Content Submission * CAPTCHA This question is for testing w ...

  3. Ohio's Non-native Invasives

    This workshop is to help natural resource professionals keep up to date on what it is going on in the state and what may be on the horizon. ...

  4. CD Weekly Wire- May 6, 2013

    AD Update: Monthly Mileage Reporting Associating a reward with an activity is what leads to the development and maintenance of positive habits. Regular reimbursement for your monthly mileage is one such reward that requires activity on your part. As reque ...

  5. The Evolving Role of the School of Environment and Natural Resources: Addressing Environmental Change

    The Evolving Role of the School of Environment and Natural Resources:  Addressing Environmental Change Tuesday, May 21, 2013 8:30 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. Location Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center 2201 Fred Taylor Drive Columbus, OH 43210 View a map and ...

  6. Tree School

    The 1st annual Tree School will feature 20 different educational sessions on a variety of tree-related topics. ...

  7. In her own words... Katie Ferman

    No one does it like Ohio State! ...

  8. OSU Outreach and Engagement Forum

    This Forum is a poster exhibition featuring more than 80 outstanding Outreach and Engagement initiatives that Ohio State faculty, staff and students are partnering in with members of our local, national and international communities. ...

  9. EPN's 2nd Tuesdays Breakfast Club

    The world's leading polar bear scientist will discuss how polar bears are not unavoidably doomed. ...

  10. James F. Patterson Land-Grant University Leture

    The 10th Annual James F. Patterson Land-Grant University Lecture will take place in the Performance Hall of the Ohio Union. ...
