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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Chow Line: Pumpkin seeds pack a lot of punch (for 10/24/10)

    October 15, 2010 My family loves snacking on pumpkin seeds. I've heard they're quite nutritious-- are they? Pumpkin seeds are incredibly nutritious. A 1-ounce portion-- about 85 seeds, just shy of a half-cup-- contains about 125 calories. They a ...

  2. Chow Line: Potatoes: You say waxy, I say mealy (11/7/20)

    October 29, 2010 What kinds of potatoes are best for boiling, mashing, frying and baking? Potatoes are versatile creatures, aren't they? They can be cooked just about any way you can think of, and they complement almost any meal. There are more than ...

  3. Chow Line: High-fructose corn syrup just like sugar (for 12/28/08)

    December 19, 2008 I know people who refuse to eat anything that contains high-fructose corn syrup. Is it really so bad? It appears not. And you can blame the scientific method for undue concerns about the sweetener. In 2004, a paper published in the Ameri ...

  4. Chow Line: Help kids eat less and move more (for 9/12/10)

    September 3, 2010 I keep hearing more and more about the problem of childhood obesity. How big of a problem is it really? Childhood obesity is increasing at alarming rates, and health authorities are concerned about the implications for weight-related hea ...

  5. Chow Line: Gut reactions to candy canes vary (for 12/21/08)

    December 12, 2008 I've heard contradictory views: Do candy canes cause indigestion or do they combat it? In this case, you've heard correctly in both cases. The trigger for either (as far as candy canes are concerned) is peppermint. First, the g ...

  6. Chow Line: If you must, use math to figure iron intake (for 4/1/07)

    March 23, 2007 I am a 51-year-old woman trying to track my iron intake, but nutrition labels only give a percentage "Daily Value" for iron. How can I tell how much iron a food really contains? You raise a good question. The Daily Value informati ...

  7. Chow Line: No need to scream over ice cream (for 6/27/10)

    June 18, 2010 My husband chooses strawberry ice cream over other flavors because he thinks the fruit makes it healthier. Does it? I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there's not nearly enough fruit in ice cream to allow it to qualify as a servin ...

  8. Chow Line: Most seniors need healthier diets (for 3/7/10)

    February 26, 2010   When my mother got older, I recall being very concerned about the weight loss she began experiencing. Unfortunately, now that I am approaching 60, I find myself gaining weight. Which is worse for older people, weight gain or weight los ...

  9. Chow Line: Enjoy produce, but keep it safe (for 9/20/09)

    September 11, 2009 I am enjoying all the fresh produce I can get my hands on this summer, but I wonder if I should be doing anything special to make sure it's safe. Are there standard guidelines? Good thinking. While consumption of fresh fruits and v ...

  10. Chow Line: Most children don't get enough calcium (for 7/22/07)

    July 13, 2007 I heard most children don't consume enough calcium. How much should they get? It depends on how old they are. According to the current Dietary Reference Intake guidelines, children from 1 to 3 years old need 500 milligrams a day; 4 to 8 ...
