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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Animal Sciences Recognized at Ohio State's 2015 Leadership Awards

    Students from the Department of Animal Sciences received university-wide recognition at the 2015 Leadership Awards April 10. ...

  2. Commercial Grape and Wine Workshop – A Practical Approach

    Hosts: Dr. Gary Gao, David Scurlock, Todd Steiner, Ryan Slaughter Presentations will include the following topics: Growing season in review Grapevine propagation techniques Cellar aging Sensory evaluation of wines Cultural management techniques Identifica ...

  3. Local Leadership Group Meeting

    Click here for more information. ...

  4. Borlaug Fellows Gain Inspiration, Insight During World Food Prize

    Every year the World Food Prize recognizes the achievements of individuals who have advanced human development by improving the quality, quantity or availability of food in the world. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Dr. Norman E. Borlaug created the prize, whi ...

  5. CFAES Recognition Program


  6. CFAES Alumni Awards Program


  7. Career Development Workshops

    Join the Career Development for one of the many workshops we are offering this autumn semester! ·         11/10/2015 (evening) LinkedIn Workshop and Networking, location TBD To stay in the know on upcoming career development events, log in to Hireabuckeye ...

  8. Select Sires Internship

    Select Sires is offering a new internship with the technical services group under the direction of Dr. Ray Nebel.  This internship will focus primarily on dealing with records from domestic and internal dairy customers.  Please see the attached announceme ...

  9. Director of Public Relations

    Position opening for a Director of Public Relations and Consumer Marketing program at the Ohio Beef Council. Staff responsibilities include the development and implementation of beef checkoff-funded programs in the areas of consumer advertising, retail, f ...

  10. 2014 Ohio Wine and Grape Conference

    Located at the Crown Plaza Hotel and Conference Center in Dublin, Ohio.  Featured Speakers will be J-L Groux, Dr. Gavin Sacks, & Dr. Tony Wolf.  To register contact Christy Eckenstein at 617.728.6438 or  You don't want ...
