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Dairy Commitee Meeting
Rabbit Committee Meeting
Sheep Committee Meeting
CFAES Memories with Ellen Bergfeld
Ellen Bergfeld, alumnus from The College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University, shares about her time at Ohio State and what it means to her to be a Buckeye for life. ...
Child Abuse Prevention Training for 4-H Volunteers
Fall Scholarship Dinner 2014
A record 350 people gathered for live music, great food and valued company at the 2014 Fall Scholarship Dinner. The Ohio Union’s Archie M. Griffin Ballroom looked like a campsite in the woods, complete with fireside stories about scholarship, tent, kayak, ...
Dean's Spring Dinner 2015
The Ohio State University Airport at Don Scott Field served as a scenic backdrop for the 2015 Dean’s Spring Dinner. Nearly 200 guests filled a decorated airport hangar to celebrate the college’s non-scholarship donors, whose support benefits faculty, teac ...
All Swine & Other Breeding Animal ID Forms Due
OSU Extension Celebrates 100 years at Farm Science Review
Bruce McPheron, Vice President and Dean share his vision for the next 100 years of Extension at the Vice Presidents Luncheon at Farm Science Review. ...
The Field to Faucet Initiative
A summary of the comments on the Field to Faucet Initiative announced at the Vice President's Luncheon at Farm Science Review. For more see this news release. ...