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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Ohio Sheep Day, Salem

    Ohio Sheep Day ...

  2. EPN Breakfast, Buckeye Lake

    EPN Breakfast, 'Issue-plagued 184-year old Buckeye Lake Dam get ODNR-led 21st Century Innovation Tech Fix.' Participants will ride an OSU bus from the Columbus campus. ...

  3. Weed Science Field Day, South Charleston

    Weed Science Field Day ...

  4. Guided Summer Walk, Wooster

    Guided Summer Walk, Walks call your attention to seasonal treasures and best practices for your landscape.  Free, guided tour.  Dress for the weather.  ...

  5. Guided Bird Walk, Wooster

    Guided Bird Walk, Spot birds, learn their calls, and discover their habitats in the arboretum. ...

  6. Whiz Bang! Science Show, Wooster

    Whiz Bang! Science Show, OARDC's popular Whiz-Bang Scientist encourages children to learn more about science in an enriching outdoor environment. Fun for the entire family. ...

  7. OPGMA Summer Tour and Field Day

    At Quarry Hill Orchards in Berlin Heights, Ohio, sponsored by the Ohio Produce Growers & Marketers Association. Get out of your business for the day to network with your peers, take a tour of Quarry Hill Orchards’ innovative farm, enjoy one-on-one tim ...

  8. Stone Lab Guest Lecture, Put-in-Bay

    Stone Lab Guest Lecture, Relevant Lake Erie research topics and get updates from state agencies. ...

  9. Stone Lab Guest Lecture, Put-in-Bay

    Stone Lab Guest Lecture, Relevant Lake Erie research topics and get updates from state agencies. ...

  10. Southeastern Ohio Hay Day, Caldwell

    Southeastern Ohio Hay Day, Demonstrations of hay harvesting equipment, equipment exhibitors, and education displays and presentations. Mowing, tedding, raking, and baling hay will be discussed with bale wrapping highlighted.  ...
