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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Quality Assurance

    What is Quality Assurance? The Quality Assurance course ensures youth raising market animals learn the important best practices for raising quality and safe animal products for the food system. They will learn proper animal handling and welfare in not onl ...

  2. Professional Horticulture

    The Green Industry in Hamilton County The professional horticulture community is also known as the “Green Industry.” It includes businesses in general landscape management, nursery management and plant production, turf management (e.g. lawn care, sod farm ...

  3. Tri-State Green Industry Conference (GIC) Trade Show

    Attendees at the Tri-State Green Industry Conference: Hundreds of decision-makers, purchasers, and users of green industry products and services. Representatives of all sectors of the green industry: Professional Landscape Design, Installation & Maint ...

  4. Building an Entrepreneur-Friendly Community

    The Building an Entrepreneur-Friendly Community program provides the resources, training, and tools to develop community capacity to better understand and support the local entrepreneurial economy. Targeted for community leaders and elected officials, the ...

  5. Master Gardener Volunteer Program Impact


  6. Community Development Professionals Page This page is for the use of OSU Extension Community Development professionals. It contains the CD Wire and other internal forms, publications, references, and issues ...

  7. Hardy awarded Fulbright Specialist Award to Chile

      Scott Hardy, extension educator, Ohio Sea Grant College Program, was awarded a 2023-2024 Fulbright U.S. Specialist grant to the Universidad de Atacama (UDA) in Chile to share his expertise in sustainable water management. From December 18, 2023 – Januar ...

  8. Brian Raison, PhD

    Brian Raison, PhD Professor and Extension Field Specialist, Community and Organizational Leadership Leadership Development, Organizational Capacity Building 100 Fairground Road, Xenia, OH 45385 937-736-7210 Biographical Narrative: I serve ...

  9. Victoria Mullins

    Area Leader 513-799-5915 ...

  10. Gwynn Stewart

    Gwynn Stewart Assistant Professor, CD (Noble County) OSU Extension- Noble County, 46049 Marietta Road, Suite 2, Caldwell, OH 43724 740-732-5681 Gwynn Stewart, educator, CD, OSU Extension-Noble County provides research-based programmin ...
