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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Chimney Fires Can Be Prevented

    You may find it odd to hire someone so that your fireplace doesn’t produce fire, but if your flue is blocked or your brickwork isn’t solid, your house could be in danger.  If your masonry is cracked in a wood-burning fireplace, sparks could escape between ...

  2. NACDEP Conference

    The 2015 NACDEP Conference (National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals) will be held May 17-20 in Little Rock, Arkansas. The most current conference information is available here. Proposals due January 15. ...

  3. Is it Illegal to Move Firewood out of Butler County?

    The weather has turned colder and many of us are looking for firewood to help heat our homes.  The question has been asked multiple times, is it illegal to move firewood out of Butler County?  The answer is yes. In an effort to protect the trees of Ohio f ...

  4. 2015 Farm Outlook Meeting

    Flyer ...

  5. Ohio Hops Conference & Trade Show

    Flyer ...

  6. Caring For Your Christmas Cactus

    Many families have a specimen Christmas cactus plant that is many years old.  If you have such a family heirloom, it is easy to pass starts along to other members of your family. Just break off a segment, let it dry for a few days, and then place it in ba ...

  7. At-Large Membership Application

    At-Large Membership Application ...

  8. Winter Solstice and Candlelit Labyrinth Walk

    At the Lane Avenue Garden, Chadwick Arboretum, Ohio State University, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus. The walk celebrates the winter solstice and aims to share what walking a labyrinth can do for body and mind. Information:  or 614-688-3479. ...

  9. Over the River and Through the Woods

    Does the rush of the holiday season make you feel as if you might be missing something?  With so many things to do and places to go, it is so important not to overlook elderly family members.  For many, the holidays are filled with celebrations and festiv ...

  10. 4-H: Preparing Youth for a Brighter Future

    This week I have received several phone calls from parents inquiring about the Butler County 4-H program.  If you happen to be a parent or grandparent that has often wondered about the benefits of the 4-H program, I highly invite you to continue reading t ...
