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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Take a Journey in the Outdoors

    April showers finally arrived and I’m looking forward to the May flowers it brings.  I read a recent article about Nature Deficit Disorder that really spoke to me and I’d like to share a few of the highlights.  According to the  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser ...

  2. Master Gardener HelpLine

    HelpLine is open every Monday 10am-1pm by calling 440-3945, and choosing Option 1. Master gardener volunteers are available by phone or you can come see them in person on the ground floor of the Old Courthouse. They provide fact-based answers. Also, check ...

  3. Dairy Herd Health Protocols

    Last week I participated in a Dairy Herd Health and Responsible Antibiotic Use workshop taught by Gustavo Schuenemann, Ohio State University Extension Dairy Veterinarian.  The take home message to those dairy producers in attendance was this:  develop her ...

  4. Tackling avian flu, other diseases‬


  5. Water quality training for Ohio farmers


  6. Growing Ohio’s hop industry


  7. Greening urban food deserts‬


  8. 4-H News and Notes: May 2, 2016

    Dear 4-H Members, Parents, and Advisors, Listed below are several 4-H updates and reminders.  Please click the headlines for more details. Horse Special Request Forms- Due to Extension Office Today May 2nd by 4:30 pm Hugh Kline Wayne County 4-H Endowment ...

  9. Leadership Center workshop: DISCflex

    Details here. ...

  10. Buckeye Summit

    Ohio State Convenes Buckeye Summit to Tackle Hunger and Food Insecurity Columbus, Ohio – Approximately 600 members of Buckeye Nation convened for change at the inaugural Buckeye Summit on April 14. Delegates from 17 states and as far away as London and Be ...
