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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Effect of Modified Relay Intercropping on Wheat Yield

    Wheat%20Yields%20MRI%20vrs%20noMRI%20soy%20FINAL.pdf 2011 Modified Relay Intercropping Modified Relay Intercropping ...

  2. Effect of Re-NforceK on Soybean Yield

    Soybean%20Yields%20Re%20Nforce%20K%20FINAL.pdf 2011 Soybean Soybean Soybean Fertility ...

  3. Camp Counselor and Award Trip Scholarship Applications

    Members 13 years old and older were sent a packet with camp counselor and award trip scholarship information and applications.  Both are due back to the Extension Office by December 15, 2015.   The 4-H Advisory Council and Junior Leadership have made scho ...

  4. Steer Weigh-In and Sheep Barn Meeting

    Members who are exhibiting a steer project at the fair this coming year need to attend steer weigh-in.  This will be held on Saturday December 5, 2015 from 8:00-10:30 am at the fair grounds.  The Sheep Barn is inviting all sheep exhibitors and their famil ...

  5. How reliable will this year's test plot data be?

    Ohio's corn and soybean crops experienced exceptional growing conditions in 2015, including record rainfall in June and July followed by a drier than normal August conditions in many areas. The persistent rains saturated soils and caused localized po ...

  6. Weather Outlook

    The overall warmer and drier than normal trend will continue this week. After our first widespread freeze of the season, temperatures will rebound this week with highs mostly in the 60s and even some 70s west and south. Overnight lows will resume above fr ...

  7. 2015-35


  8. Application Fee Waiver

    If a student is eligible for an application fee waiver (i.e., receives free or reduced lunches or receives a fee waiver with ACT/SAT tests) due to a student/family financial reason, send a typed letter on school letterhead explaining the reasoning for the ...

  9. Tri-State Fertility Guide for Corn, Soybean, Wheat and Alfalfa

    Tri-State.pdf July, 1995 Soil and Water Management ...

  10. Frequently Asked Questions for Transfer Students

      Who is considered a transfer student? An undergraduate transfer is anyone who has attended a college, university, community college, or technical school after completing high school.  If you paid fees at another institution, you are considered a transfe ...
