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Farmers' Markets
The Growing! Ohio Farmers' Markets program is providing resources, education, training, and technical assistance to help all Ohio farmers' market succeed in capturing a greater share of the growing demand by consumers for access to locally produ ...
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Southern Ohio New and Small Farm College Explores Farm Enterprises
December 9, 2010 COLUMBUS, Ohio – Farmers interested in exploring land use options, expanding an agricultural or horticultural enterprise, or diversifying their acreage have the opportunity to attend the 2011 Southern Ohio New and Small Farm College. Th ...
Chow Line: Fish from open Gulf areas safe, for now (for 7/25/10)
July 16, 2010 Should I be concerned about buying fish or seafood? I'm worried it might be from the Gulf of Mexico and tainted from the oil spill. The fishing areas affected by the spill have been closed, and authorities ranging from the Food and Drug ...
Chow Line: Enjoy fried treats occasionally (for 6/13/10)
June 4, 2010 My wife has type 2 diabetes and has to control her intake of carbs. But she loves fried green tomatoes and could eat them six times a week. Is there a substitute for regular flour she can use? Actually, the amount of carbohydrate in fried gre ...
"Emerging" Problems Plague Corn/Soybeans
June 6, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- Unfavorable growing conditions throughout parts of Ohio may be creating emergence problems in corn and soybeans. Ohio State University Extension agronomists said bouts of heavy rainfall, followed by several days of warm weathe ...