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Qu publications
Publications Zhang, Xiuchun; Zhang, Xiaofeng; Singh, Jasleen; Li, Dawei; and Qu, Feng. 2012. "Temperature-dependent survival of Turnip crinkle virus-infected Arabidopsis plants relies on an RNA silencing-based defense that requires DCL2, AGO2, and HE ...
4-Hers Conquer Eco-Bot Challenge
Young people across the United States participated in the Eco-Bot challenge, a simulated toxic spill. The national project was developed by Ohio State University Extension, an arm of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. ...
Spring fee payment deadline (grad students should register by this date)
First day of Spring semester classes
First day of Session 2 (second 7-weeks) courses
No classes, offices closed
Autumn Commencement
DNA Technology
Powerful DNA Technology Applications for Fungal Pathogens Researchers are utilizing DNA technology and rapid sequencing of whole genomes to study the biology of plant pathogenic fungi that cause some of the world’s most devastating plant diseases that pos ...
Discovery and Application: Biopesticides and Biofertilizers to Improve Plant Health OARDC researchers are facilitating the expansion and adoption of biofungicides and microbial inoculants through the discovery of novel active ingredients, formulation deve ...
International Grad Applications
Deadline to ensure consideration for fellowships (domestic application deadline is Dec. 31). We can accept letters and materials a few days after the deadline ...