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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. GradRoots Welcome Back BBQ

    GradRoots welcomes everyone back at their annual cookout. Meet and eat with fellow SENR students, faculty and staff. Vegetarian options will be available! Location: West patio of Kottman Hall ...

  2. Late Livestock Judging

    By Appointment Only ...

  3. Rabbit Meat Pen Tattooing

    Required to show meat pens at the fair. ...

  4. Livestock Quality Assurance


  5. Fall 2015 Career and Internship Fair

    Join us in the Ohio Union for day two of a campus-wide career fair connecting students across all majors, graduate programs and degree levels with employers seeking to recruit for career employment and internships. Click here to learn more or email questi ...

  6. Fall 2015 Career and Internship Fair

    Join us in the Ohio Union for a campus-wide career fair connecting students across all majors, graduate programs and degree levels with employers seeking to recruit for career employment and internships. Click here to learn more or email questions to care ...

  7. Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Career Expo

    The Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Career Expo will be held at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. This expo is open to all current Ohio State students (bring your BuckID to check in). Recent Ohio State Alumni from the College ...

  8. International: iAGRI PhD Student, Rita Mirondo, works to advance food processing in Tanzania

    Rita was sitting at a corner workspace for graduate students on the 3rd floor of Parker Hall, intently studying for her upcoming final exams. Though she had been situated in the same spot for some time, it was obvious that a great amount of studying still ...

  9. EPN July 2015 Presentation

    Columbia Gas of Ohio Presentation for July's EPN ...

  10. TWEL Randall Knapik Thesis

    Survival and covey density of Northern Bobwhites in relation to habitat characteristics and usable space in Ohio Randall T. Knapik, MS Advisor: Robert J. Gates Thesis Northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) were once ubiquitous across the eastern United ...
