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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Don't Pass Up Rare Opportunity to Make Fall Fertilizer Applications

    November 8, 2010 WOOSTER, Ohio – With corn and soybean harvest ahead of schedule in Ohio, farmers are encouraged to make their fertilizer applications now.   "This is a rare opportunity for farmers," said Robert Mullen, an Ohio State University ...

  2. Don't Panic. Soybean Rust is Manageable

    November 12, 2004 WOOSTER, Ohio — With soybean rust now officially confirmed in the United States, the more educated Ohio growers are about the fungus, the better prepared they will be to manage it if it is ever diagnosed closer to home.   The U.S. Depart ...

  3. Don't Let Slugs Rule the Roost in No-Till Fields

    February 5, 2002 WOOSTER, Ohio- In the battle against slugs, a sharp eye and savvy management tactics may mean the difference between a damaged crop and successful yields for no-till farmers. "Growers need to be aware of what's going on in their ...

  4. Don't Let Late Soybean Harvest Slow Down Wheat Preparation

    September 14, 2004 WOOSTER, Ohio — Late soybean harvest may impact Ohio wheat planting, but growers should take steps to prepare for next season's crop, nonetheless.   Pat Lipps, an Ohio State University plant pathologist with the Ohio Agricultural R ...

  5. Don't Forget Disease Resistance When Choosing Corn Hybrids

    December 19, 2006 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Disease resistance shouldn't be overlooked when choosing corn hybrids for next season, especially if growers plan to make the switch to continuous corn.   Peter Thomison, an Ohio State University Extension agronomis ...

  6. Don't Count Wheat Out Just Yet

    April 25, 2002 WOOSTER, Ohio- Unseasonably warm temperatures to kick off spring in Ohio have given the state's wheat crop a boost in growth, and enough of one that questionable fields may be salvaged to produce a decent crop. Pat Lipps, an Ohio State ...

  7. Do Some Millin', Chillin' and Grillin' at Farm Science Review

    August 8, 2006 LONDON, Ohio-- Music, food, and a little rest and relaxation will be the order of each day at Ohio State University's Farm Science Review during a new event at Utzinger Garden.   The garden, located off Friday Ave. on the grounds of th ...

  8. Distillers Grains Focus of Dairy Study to Improve Yields

    May 21, 2007 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Distillers grains-- a byproduct of ethanol production-- may serve as supplemental dairy cattle feed to boost milk and milk fat yields, while reducing feed costs. But the challenge is to determine what type of distillers grain ...

  9. Diseases Pressuring Soybeans

    June 11, 2004 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Some soybean plants in Ohio are succumbing to disease pressures from excessive moisture, but over 65 percent of the crop remains in good to excellent condition, according to the Ohio Agricultural Statistics Service.   Anne D ...

  10. Disease-Resistant Genes in Soybean Cultivars Losing Effectiveness Against Root Rot

    November 15, 2001 WOOSTER, Ohio- A disease responsible for severe soybean production losses is adapting to soybean cultivars planted in Ohio fields. According to the results of a two-year Ohio State University study funded by the Ohio Soybean Council, Phy ...
